What do you think?

I think they are entitiled to think and say as they please, and I am entitled to agree or disagree as I please. In the end, neither of us really cares what the other thinks.

On that 1980 Carrie Fisher/ 2005 Natalie Portman Porno Idea: I am pretty sure that we are on the same page there.
Not familiar with them but for someone who doesn't like star wars he sure knows characters/movies/cartoons or he had someone write his tirade for him.
Hey, opinions are like bellybuttons and other parts of your body that I'm sure that the profanity filters will pick up on...everybody's got one :D! And this guy sure knows his characters. A fan is a fan any way that you look at it :thumbsup:!
true, about the knowledge of the characters, but if you notice below the download icon there is another with micheal jackson. on there is a pic of yoda.... and in one of his stunts on the air was this:
so i feel he of all people should shut up... but whatever figured id check what u guys think
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I think the dude's probably pissed that SW still outsells his beloved NASCAR merch. I bet if someone did a diatribe on how much they hate Dale Sr and the number 3 car, he'd be crapping himself he'd be so mad
I think the dude's probably pissed that SW still outsells his beloved NASCAR merch. I bet if someone did a diatribe on how much they hate Dale Sr and the number 3 car, he'd be crapping himself he'd be so mad
dude thank you so much for the laugh,:lol: besides this piece of 2 sense i love these guys. and are hilarious, i usually agree with him too. but obviously this one left a bad taste in my mouth.
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