What do you do for a living?


Well-Known Hunter
Hey guys... what do you do for a living? How did you get the job? Is it difficult? How much do you make?

It would be interesting knowing how people got to their job. Me personally... I am going to school for 3d modeling and animation with a focus in gaming and the industry is rough right now... it is highly competitive and its only in focal points around the country. On top of that, the economy makes it even worse. I want to get a bachelors in something more universal, more needed... something that has a 8-5 mon-fri job that pays average. What do you guys do?

i Used to be a flight instructor for Saint Louis University (long time ago) ....then i sold english courses, had a Real Estate business for 15 years (closed 2 years ago)...and i will start a new busness very soon !! ( i hope).
No mystery here. OKC Police SGT (10 yrs) Air Force Law Office Superintendent (21 years, 7 active the rest reserve)
As for money... Over paid and under appreciated...Two BA's from OU (Boomer Sooner) and finishing my masters of Human Relations.
Well...I supervise the traffic operations of a mid-sized city in Kansas. Signs, signals, and pavement markings type stuff. Luckily, it did not require a degree (lucky cuz I don't have one). Pays decent and usually work 7-4 weekdays, but subject to after hours emergency calls on a rotating basis with 2 other guys. not a bad gig. I got into traffic signals when the town in Arkansas I lived in took over maintenance from the local power company. Being an electrical contractor at the time, I figured I could do signal lights. Couldn't be much tougher than regular electrical wiring.

Of course...I was wrong. But it all turned out OK.

From what I understand, Civil Engineers specializing in Traffic Engineering are pretty tough to find (and therefore, in demand). If I had the time and money, I would probably go back to school and try that.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
I'm an Architect in the UK specialising in residential, hospitality, and education work. I'm trying to keep my head above water through the global recession and currently working on an exciting 40-room 5-star boutique hotel here in London.
I work in Information Services for a nuclear power plant, supporting the corporate infrastructure. Most of the work I do supports the end-users (engineers, etc) at the power plant, as well as some of the other generation projects the company has going (Solar, Wind, Hydro). I do most of their Tier1 and Tier2 level support, but I've made some friends in high places and I get to support a lot of other project-related items (IP security cameras, remote monitoring, servers, mobile phones, etc).

Also, I'm a full time student, nearing completion on my B.S. in Computer Science (Network Defense and IT Infrastructure). Before this, I worked for Circuit City as a Supervisor for their Firedog PC Services branch (before the fallout). I make decent money, always need to make more. :-)
Up until the end of this month, I'm officially British Army, but come May I'll be ex-military. Going to miss the ridiculous amounts of money they are currently throwing at me, as a military pension doesn't exactly allow a life of luxury.

As for getting the job in the first place, I bowled them over with my intelligence and rugged good looks ;)
My title is "Manager, Technology Operations". My actual job is a hybrid of 1/3 IT director, 1/3 senior sysadmin and 1/3 helpdesk.

I've been in the tech field for around 12 years now, and have been edging ever closer to one of those jobs where I don't so much "work" as tell other people what work needs to get done ;)

The pay is quite good, but the lead time is long. Most places are less interested in degrees / certs and more in experience, so even right out of college / certification courses you usually need to take on some low-end work for a couple of years.

Pay in the IT world generally goes from around $20 - $25/hour for helpdesk up to a LOT more for senior developers / sysadmins / etc...
I've been an International Jewel Thief for the last 3 years now. Part of the reason I've signed up with TDH is so I can look cool when I make my gravity-defying entrance through that skylight window.

...of course with a job like that, you don't typically want to be noticed. :D
Former frontend supervisor at Walmart. Hours were really bad and my kids were't in a normal sleep pattern so I transferred to the pharmacy. The area I live in is hiring for law enforcement, which I've always wanted to do, but I have a few questions before I make any moves.

Wanted to do special effects makeup, but it wasn't in the cards (and now that makeup is a dying art, I probably made the right choice!). Always liked the sciences, and dentistry seemed like the best fusion of art and science.

Now I still get to make molds and all that fun stuff...and I even get to bring stuff home from work to help out with my hobby!
Police Sgt for the past 8 yrs, 13 yrs total as an officer.................as far as pay I think it is ok as long as I get plenty of OT which I have normally gotten by being on SWAT, Firearms instructor, Tazer instructor, Bike patrol and anything else that I can get. I have actually started to whittle down some of my responsibilities to lessen my stress. I just gave up swat about 2 months ago.

Maybe the whole Journeyman Protector thing brings in the cops because it seem to me that there are plenty on this forum.
Right now: student drunk! No seriously I am going to school at EOCC Ozark Alabama for an A&P. Thats Airframe and Powerplant mechanic. I want to work on aircraft people, so be warned! My love since star wars was aircraft so I think its only fitting I know how to build my own. For hobbys I come here. But for work I hope to start at Fort Rucker Alabama. I know it aint much guys but wish me luck, Im fixin to take my COMP's and its a real ball buster after that I got 2 more tests, then the process starts over for the powerplant portion. All the support I get will help. Clap your hands real loud so I can pass the test! Lol! Good luck to you all and I hope your jobs can bring you all the happines you can desire. best wishes!
I am a 3rd generation carpenter but have been on SSI disability for 4 years following being shot twice by a burglar. I am a stay at home dad and the wife works. I have a cabinet making shop and hope to return to woodworking before I turn 45. I'm just not smart enough to go into computers like you young guys. and dsonik1 wont let me have any of "his" guns!
Wow i dont think i can compare to any of the jobs you'll have lol I used to b electricians apprentice but now i'm unemployed :(. If any one has any ideas on a career to look into please let me know lol
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