Taking a cue from Art


Active Hunter
Taking a cue from Art *new pics 6-4*

Every since I have seen Art's Boba display, I have wanted to do one. Here they are:


Some will recognize Cruzer's JFOSs. It looks awesome. I just noticed that you can not see the backpack. It is there. The other is my TD. What do you think?

I found some new cases. I rearranged some items.



Also, a link to my collection Room:

http://s88.photobucket.com/albums/k175/TD-0488/Rals room/
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For those of you who are confused, Turo is called "Art" by his friends, and he is the first one I recall dsiplaying his costumes this way! I am assuming td0488 is referring to him.

I absolutely love this style of display!

... and Brian, don't think I missed that...:lol:
Sorry eveyone, I shoud have said Arturo. My fault there. Seeker is the first one that I saw also. It was a Boba. I saw it on the RPF boards from an ACME prop shop in Chicago several years ago.
Great set up Ral! I'd love to have a room of my own set up like that... Well, at least I have my office at work.

Sorry eveyone, I shoud have said Arturo. My fault there. Seeker is the first one that I saw also. It was a Boba. I saw it on the RPF boards from an ACME prop shop in Chicago several years ago.

Ah, that makes sense. He was the only one I could think of displaying his Boba like this :lol:
I'd love to do this with my stuff but I just don't have the room for it. I'm lucky to get the shelf room I have. I suppose if we got rid of some superfluous furniture.... and maybe a cat or three... hmmm...
Thanks everyone. Yeah, Arturo is quiet the tread sitting. I try to buy any item he sells or use some of his ideas. I actually called him to ask about sitting it up like his. He is a great guy to work with and very helpful.

Lorenzo's JFOS is a very nice costume. He did really well on it.
did you get one of those mannequins from me?
I did the same thing in my "Star Wars Room"
(I got the idea from GotMaul though ;) )
The first pic is all 3 together cuz I couldn't get all 3 in frame
The other 2 show how it is normally

armor 013.JPG

armor 006.JPG

armor 012.JPG
Thanks again for the complaints everyone. Lewis, I did get one from you, but have bought many times from you in the past. Maybe that is how you remember my ID.

Yours looks awesome also. Nice job adding the belt. It makes a big difference. And it does look like the GG Fett :cheers.
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