Star Wars Live Action with Fett:) there is a God

CGI is a the point where they could make a whole movie in CGI and forget live acting. But overall the script is gonna make it or break it.
I'm probably in with TeamFett on this one.

That or it'll be night on horrible and I'll still like it just because it's Star Wars.

Truth be told, I'm the first to admit that Eps 1-3 have major problems, and yet, I still enjoy them for no other reason than they expand the universe I have already come to love.

Same goes for "The adventures of Obi-wan and Anakin" aka the Clone Wars. It has serious issues. (Most notably for me the battle droids with a sense of self-awareness. lol sorry. I'm a nitpicker) But yet I watch it and look forward to doing so.

I'm sure I'll be this way with this new series too..

So comon Lucas, hit me with your best shot. You know I'm going to roast you for it but watch it anyway.
I'm with you Nyx, I don't love Clone Wars the series but its something Star Wars on TV and that's cool:)
The really cool part for me is having a 4 year old daughter (avatar pic at 6m) who sometimes comes up to me and asks "Dad will you watch Star wars with me" :)

I was under the impression that the new TV show would be deal with adult themes and compared the concept to the way Battlestar Galactica has been handled when compared to the 70's original.

I also understood that more than one season would maybe run concurrently? Sounded like it would be great for us 'older' fans lol.
Maybe im wrong but, I thought i read when they announced this a few years ago it was aimed at the tweens.
With the main characters being around 11 to 15 or so.
I'd actually like to see Daniel Logan get the part even if they don't show his face

I asked Daniel Logan about this recently and he said it's just rumors and he is not cast in the role. That said he could be under an NDA with LFL and not be able to talk about it. Though several others have...

at his table at WonderCon I believe it said on his bio "..and Upcoming Star Wars TV series"

that same thing is listed under his picture in the flyers that were handed out for Sacramento's Convention in September
I'd lay odds that they changed the suit components too ( shape of armor, ect) for the new show. It will be interesting to see all the Fett Makers scrambling to make all the new goodies :lol: :lol:

Logan told me he WAS going to be in it. That was last April though. Maybe he was just being hopeful :lol:

CGI is a the point where they could make a whole movie in CGI and forget live acting. But overall the script is gonna make it or break it.

Most of the really good CGI has live actors driving the animation. It's more of an illusion. I still prefer the smell of real blood with some graphic touchup/enhancement.
I wish that CG would just go away when it comes to Star Wars. Watch the original trilogy, and the effects there were fantastic; Computer Generated Imagery isn't necessary.
I might be wrong but I'm sure that having to use motion capture, and CGI for characters adds a great deal of time to the production of a show and tends to be why you get films with top notch CGI effects and TV shows with awful (by comparison) CGI effects.
It makes more sense for a TV show to film live action unless the character is so far from the normal that an actor couldn't do it - then there's always the option of top quality puppetry - look at Farscape, love it or loath it the puppets used for a number of the characters where far more "real" then the CGI characters from the Star Wars prequals. Given the top notch quality costumes we, the uber-fans; make, I'm sure that Lucasfilm could do (almost :D ) as good, if not better for a weekly show.

As to Boba, it is possible to focus on one character in a film or show, and still keep the character mysterious - look at Clint Eastwoods character in the Spaghetti Westerns. So they may be able to show Boba without loosing the attitude and coolness that we all love.
If they ever did a live action show and used FX trooper armor, I would set my entire SW collection on fire.

If I remember correctly I remember an interview with lucas where he said he wanted to explore the stories of the background characters. Boba being one of them.
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