SuperTrooper Cape / Towel


Active Hunter
Hi fellow Fett heads,

I'm having a great found parts month:) first i find a real Glenross dental expansion part and now a SuperTrooper Cape. This was a late night eBay find i picked up when my baby couldn't sleep, thanks Mia-Fett:)
OK...Is it real? is it not? Help me out Peeps.
Condition: i would give it a 6 at best, its a bit worn. it dose have nice color and there's a tag on it that looks to have a "78" on it, maybe.

Here's the pics let me know what yalls think. Thank you


good score on the towel.Been after one myself for a long time,but alas I can never found one.

why would you think its not the real deal? lot of work to fake for what it is. I did have word on the grapevine of someone doing a run of them as a replica,but its not happened yet. plus these would be brand new and not show any of the age yours has.

great find ;)
why would you think its not the real deal? lot of work to fake for what it is.

here's info from Art's post when he found his

Originally Posted by tk7602
i wonder if the one on the supertrooper was actually fringed or if it was just a ratty old towel that was falling apart.
No... it isn't the right one. I have seen the right one and it did have a fringe.... unfortunately it was folded and I wasn't sure it was right so I passed on it.. Wish I had snagged it now. This one will be a place holder until another real one comes up."

Read more here ==> TDH Wiki - Vintage Star Wars Beach Towel, cant do that anymore:(

I was able to find a better pic of the tag. what I thought was a "78" was nothing more that a zip\post code.
this tag looks just like mine if it were new.

The towel I have is vintage, 56" x "31" its big, one side is fringed from use. I could easily create the same look on the other side. I believe the fringed look was added to the SuperTrooper Fett cape to look more rustic and to give it more of a Eastwood poncho appearance.

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I believe yours is real Mr. Mine has it's own damage issues. Yours also has better color whereas mine is more faded.

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whats so significant about the towel ?

Forgive my ignorance i know super trooper the boba fett prototype has white armour and a white cape ?

Edit *

found out they used it as the cape in the white boba fett prototype on another TDH thread.
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