The ESB sidearm. What is accurate?

Bri Gon Jinn

New Hunter
Does anybody know what exactly the ESB sidearm looks like? I'm getting ready to modify a Nintendo zapper, and would like to be able to make my sidearm as close to the real deal as I can.

I know Mojo has a kit that looks really good, but I also found this pic at Wookiepedia:

It looks similar, but not the same as Mojo's. So does anybody know what the gun from the movie actually looks like?

Also, does anybody know what the source of the Wookiepedia pic is? Is that someone's homemade gun?

Any help would be appreciated.
Mardon Callanta, a member here, screen name is mlcallanta, and he makes armor, jp's, lots of stuff, including the sidearm in that pic...that was the "accepted" sidearm for the longest time, until our very own Mojofett got his hands on the Nemrod Pulce 40, which is the one used in the movie, by the graciousness of Volkerc, and he made up casts and had the machining done for the aluminum, to give us the most accurate sidearm prop to ya, look for pics of Mojofett's sidearm, and you will have what you need to modify your zapper...
Mardon Callanta, a member here, screen name is mlcallanta, and he makes armor, jp's, lots of stuff, including the sidearm in that pic...that was the "accepted" sidearm for the longest time, until our very own Mojofett got his hands on the Nemrod Pulce 40, which is the one used in the movie, by the graciousness of Volkerc, and he made up casts and had the machining done for the aluminum, to give us the most accurate sidearm prop to ya, look for pics of Mojofett's sidearm, and you will have what you need to modify your zapper...

Thank you very much! I was wondering what the source of Mojo's design was as well. You have been very helpful!
Read the quote....."Mojofett got his hands on the Nemrod Pulce 40"

Technisub 'Pulce 40' Speargun is used for real prop.


Mojo's Kit


Thank you very much! I was wondering what the source of Mojo's design was as well. You have been very helpful!
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Read the quote....."Mojofett got his hands on the Nemrod Pulce 40"

Technisub 'Pulce 40' Speargun is used for real prop.


Mojo's Kit


i think he was aware of that sixx...he was stating he was wondering and acknowledging the info previously posted.

...and yes,Mojos sidearmis the absolute best !i love mine!
Nemrod and Technisub are two different brands. Technisub made the Pulce 40. Nemrod makes a mini clipper holster, that is what was used for Fett's holster to hold the gun made by Technisub. The real Pulce 40 holster doesn't look like the one made by Nemrod. Nemrod had nothing to do with the Pulce 40. Hope that clears something up there. Seeing "Nemrod Pulce 40" made me giggle :lol:
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