Chest Armour Help Please


Jr Hunter
2014-07-05 21.35.51.jpg2014-07-05 21.36.06.jpg2014-07-05 21.37.00.jpg2014-07-05 21.37.21.jpgHello everybody. I have been on here for a few months and I am working on an ESB Fett. I am here to ask you experienced people about the curve on the chest armour. I shaped this today (it's 3mm sintra) and I was wondering if the curve of the chest pieces and the collar look correct.
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Hard to tell. The chest parts have a more complicated shape than you might think, but looks pretty good. The belly plate should have a vertical curve as well. I heated my belly plastic and laid it in small metal bird bath to give it a shallow "bowl" look. Whose templates did you use?
The plates have a lot of curves too complex to explain. Find as many photos as you can and compare as you go. I think you've done a very good job. personally think all of Rafal Fetts templates are more accurate. Also the plates should have a lip or fold all the way around. I made my armor much like yours, but I cut a length of 1/8 in plastic and glued along the edges on the back side. Super glue and clothes pins.
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I had the same question a few weeks ago. I'm also working with 3mm sintra. I found this image helpful to get a good initial shape. Then I just looked at reference images and held it up to my chest in a mirror to see how it looked. It took a while to get a nice curved look, but hope this helps.
I lost the cord for my camera so I can't post pictures until I can borrow one from somebody but I have shaped the right chestplate as well as I can using that diagram. I'll post a picture once I can.
2014-07-11 13.35.55.jpg2014-07-11 13.36.07.jpg2014-07-11 13.36.19.jpgGuess what I found!!! The cord was about ten feet away from where I was working and I didn't see it. Anyway, this is the right chestplate shaped like the diagram (thanks mcfarlj3). How does it look?
Thanks! I'll make another thread for general progress on the suit soon. I've been working at a rough flak vest and I hope to start the final one next week sometime.
M. Also, I used a cigaret lighter on the under side to soften the areas that needed dent and pushed them with various rounded objects
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