What 3d files have you all been using?


New Hunter
I've been looking for a canon kit to do for a while, and while ESB is stellar my local area has one. But Boba Fresh seems cool too.

I was looking at the Galactic armory files and they seem complete, but has anyone printed these and found them to be accurate and approvable with regard to size dimension etc?

They may have to be scaled, and of course it depends on painting the right colors etc.

What files are you all using?
Haven’t yet but for all things Boba/Jango I’ve been leaning towards MinuteFett. Unless someone tells me otherwise or points in a better direction, all my research has led me to his direction.
Haven’t yet but for all things Boba/Jango I’ve been leaning towards MinuteFett. Unless someone tells me otherwise or points in a better direction, all my research has led me to his direction.
That's correct for OT Fett (at least nowadays). For knees the guy you're looking for is chamanleon, for the jetpack and backplate I would say mysterymakers (maybe helmet, and gauntlets too) and for the armour you want greatapestudio (but not avaiable yet).
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Great Ape Studio has the helmet files available now, in fact, I am printing them as I type.
As for the rest of the armor, I am using Mysterymakers files. GreatApe was supposed to post them at some point but nothing yet.
MM files are not bad, in fact I started using them, but they are far from good to go.

For example, chamanleonfx BoBF knees are way better than MM.
MM files are not bad, in fact I started using them, but they are far from good to go.

For example, chamanleonfx BoBF knees are way better than MM.
Disregard this comment, I was asking for a link to CharmaleonFX, but I found it.
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