General Rangefinder


New Hunter
Hello, fellow dented helmet brothers and sisters! I'm well underway with my scratchbuild mandalorian helmet using the wizard of light template. I'm using plastic sheets and an old skateboard helmet that I've cut down to fit the mold. Perfect dome shape! It cut down production time dramatically, as I didn't have to use the dome templates. I'd totally recommend this approach if you have an old skateboard helmet lying around and a healthy supply of epoxy and are pretty handy (putting my studio art degree to good use finally!).

But the issue I'm having with the template is how to actually construct the rangefinder and "ear" pieces. to me it seems like a jumble of information. I know how the ear pieces are supposed to look, but I have no idea how all the pieces in the template fit together, especially so that I have a moveable rangefinder. does anyone have a good step by step method using this template?

I'll post pics of my build here, too in a bit! Also, I'm gonna use fiberglass resin and bondo to fill the helmet holes, no sweat. ;)
Rafalfett's tutorial shows how to make rangefinder movable, but not how the "ear" pieces fit. I got the same issue here.
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