Hello from the sunshine state


New Hunter
Hello all my name is Dennis I been SW fan for along time and Fett fan as well. I been floating around on these forums and the Mandalorain Mercs aswell. I have finally decided to introduce myself.I have notice that there are very exciting post on how- tos and what not.Also the finished photos of all kinds of mandos.What I have also noticed that there is not really and bad mouthing people as some other forums do like the denzien forums from the 501st. Think that is why I gave up on tryiing to get help there in the tusken raider costume I was making.All that was left was the bandoliers.Anyways not going there just shutting up now on that.Back to my introduction I am active in heavy weapons and in siege combat for the Society of Creative Anachronism SCA for short.My coat of plates are styled in the mandalorain armor.Which is very similar to the wisby but more solid chest to abdomen and coarse the solid back piece as the wisby only covers the ribs to lower back.
I am more interested in creating a custom mandalorain as of right now and will eventually venture into making a Jango as he is more stylish.Due to the fact he seems more of a 007 lifestyle compared to his son Boba.Also reminds me of a gunslinger from the westerns. For the custom I seen ones that looked like vikings but has there been any that looked like the samurai or Byzantium?
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