Active Hunter
I couldn't let it nag me anymore...
I had to......
This is my converting/facelifting my eFX PCR ANH Vader, to as screen accurate ANH I can get it!
Like my successful eFX Fett ESB upgrade, I mulled over ruining the collectability of this piece, and eventually caved to having what I want, which is an accurate ANH Vader, without spending $2K.
There it is...
So, after having started with removing the lenses and cleaning the surface areas with a little diluted windex and some cotton pads , here are the beginning painting steps.
I am hand painting everything to purposely leave brush strokes, and texture, and imperfections.
Starting with the black surfaces only, using Tamiya Semi Gloss Black acrylic.
Letting it sit over night before doing some light damage work to the grill slots, around the nose and cheeks, and eventually, the infamous C scar! : )
All the gunmetal repaint will happen last.
Then I'm off to the dome for some work.

I had to......
This is my converting/facelifting my eFX PCR ANH Vader, to as screen accurate ANH I can get it!
Like my successful eFX Fett ESB upgrade, I mulled over ruining the collectability of this piece, and eventually caved to having what I want, which is an accurate ANH Vader, without spending $2K.
There it is...
So, after having started with removing the lenses and cleaning the surface areas with a little diluted windex and some cotton pads , here are the beginning painting steps.
I am hand painting everything to purposely leave brush strokes, and texture, and imperfections.
Starting with the black surfaces only, using Tamiya Semi Gloss Black acrylic.
Letting it sit over night before doing some light damage work to the grill slots, around the nose and cheeks, and eventually, the infamous C scar! : )
All the gunmetal repaint will happen last.
Then I'm off to the dome for some work.