Bionic Amputee Cosplayer from Virginia - Just Getting Started!


New Hunter
Hey, everyone! My name is Trace and a few of you may have seen the lightsaber attachment I made for my bionic arm making the rounds on the Internet. I'm very excited to say that I have multiple Mandalorian builds planned for 2020, the first being Pre Vizsla's armor. Let's just say a Darksaber would make a fine attachment for my bionic arm... ;)

I 3D print most of my builds, and I've just begun printing Pre Vizsla's helmet, but could use a bit of advice on the armor - from what I can tell, aside from the helmet it may be pretty standard Death Watch/ typical Mandalorian armor. But I can always use input and advice, especially with this being my first full Mandalorian build! I look forward to meeting some of you and getting to know the community here!

Welcome Trace! Im in VA as well- near Richmond. There's a few others from VA as well on here.

Your arm is such a unique twist to your dark jedi build- can't wait to see it's dark saber adaption

Def make a build thread when you start
Welcome Trace! Im in VA as well- near Richmond. There's a few others from VA as well on here.

Your arm is such a unique twist to your dark jedi build- can't wait to see it's dark saber adaption

Def make a build thread when you start

Funny, I'm in Richmond too, near Short Pump! Glad to hear there are some VA members here. I'll definitely post a build thread, thanks for the support!
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