Recent content by WompaBait

  1. WompaBait

    first scratch build rotj boba fett

    this was our Halloween group . I also made the belt and gun for ham solo
  2. WompaBait

    first scratch build rotj boba fett

    this was my interpretation of the ee~3 , I know its not accurate, but it felt good.
  3. WompaBait

    first scratch build rotj boba fett

    in the end it turned out okay. I learned a lot , though a few mistakes were made.
  4. WompaBait

    first scratch build rotj boba fett

    I'm working on my first boba fett scratch build using cardstock and foam. I know that I should use sintra , but to be honest, the chemicals involved and my closet of a work space worry me. also I'm using this to test a lot of processes and procedures. hopefully in the future I will take what...
  5. WompaBait

    RafalFett's Misc Templates and Blueprints

    You are a god amongst bounty hunters , these are alm the pics that I never knew I needed . keep your enemies close and your flame thrower closer
  6. WompaBait

    AntMan's Second Cardboard Scratch Build

    you do make it look easy. I'm at the ear part myself. the pdf I'm using were old and seem to have been printed out at slightly the wrong size so it's been a challenge. it's nice to sed how it's supposed to be done . Haha
  7. WompaBait

    General How I built a complete budget boba in the uk for ~ 270GBP

    Fantastic job. I love to see scratch builds , they get my respect. buying premade peices is a perfectly acceptable way to go, but I really enjoy craftmanship and ingenuity. I myself and working on my first boba fett costume. I'm halfway through building the helmet, so just a few steps down...
  8. WompaBait

    ESB Boba Fett Helmet - Scratch Build WIP

    That is a great looking helmet. I'm new to the forum, though I periodically have read it. I am staring my own helmet and I was wondering how long it took you ( hours ) to reach the spot where you are at.