Recent content by nightrapter0

  1. N

    Bargain Flightsuit Run

    Looking for pricing on an ESB fett set. Thank You!
  2. N

    helmet kits and where to start

    How much did you end up paying for the fettpride bucket and what kit did you end up going with as far as stuff that came with it? If you don't mind me asking that is.
  3. N

    My New Helmet.....

    That is an amazing looking bucket, inspires me to get crackin on mine...
  4. N

    Does anyone know the exact measurments of the ESB helmet?

    Thank you I will definetly give these a go
  5. N

    Does anyone know the exact measurments of the ESB helmet?

    I am going to try to draw on CADD a model of the ESB bucket but in order to do so I would like to have the measurments of landmarks on the bucket any help would be nice!
  6. N

    My Converted Hasbro Blaster

    Did you tear into the internals at all on your blaster? I just aquired one myself and am a little hesitant to rip mine apart so any tips on what to expect would be awesome!
  7. N

    Finemolds Slave 1 : Boba Swede Style (Customized)

    Your attention to detail is astonishing, I also have just purchased my own FM Slave 1 and I was wondering if you were going to light the thrusters on the rear of the model as well and if you are how are you going to?