My Jango 'Holy Grail'....

obi sean kenobi

Well-Known Hunter
Hi all,

No, Im not talking about my FP ILM bucket (thanks again FP)!

I have been on the hunt for a pair of Pit Crew boots for, literally, years now.

I have been all over the place looking for the darn things, including dragging my ex one day all over NYC in search for the things.

I scoured eBay for years.

I even called Kenneth Cole and had them search their sample closet!!! (there is a thread around here about that...)

Anyway, I scored a pair of pit crews last week, and they arrived today!!!!:)

They arent the exact ones used, they are all black leather, rather than the canvas/leather. But man are they awesome.

Pics to follow.....

My boots were sold on ebay about 3 days ago for another guy with a starting bid of 150$. So if you are talking about those, you bought my boots

Do they have a wasted sole and two stripes of velcro attached? If the answer is yes, no doubt, you got my boots.

Pics, please :)
My boots were sold on ebay about 3 days ago for another guy with a starting bid of 150$. So if you are talking about those, you bought my boots

Do they have a wasted sole and two stripes of velcro attached? If the answer is yes, no doubt, you got my boots.

Pics, please :)

Nope defintiely not your boots. No velcro, and, believe me, the starting bid was NOT $150!! LOL. :lol:
nah jangouri i decided to cancel the auction. just so i wouldnt have to hunt them down again in the future when i began my jango again.
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