My sheet aluminum... gauntlets / armor.. PICS

Dude! That's awesome!
Those gauntlets are made of sheet metal???? Wow, I'm really impressed man. Never seen metal gauntlets before...expecially like that.

THANKS all of you guys for your comments.. I used a glue called ''SEAL-ALL''to join the sheet aluminum together and to assemble everything as well. This glue works outstanding you can find it at almost any hardware store and Home Depot. As for templates well I dont really have any diffinative ones at all. I just simply made cardboard templates first ''as a test''. Sorry I never saved them they were to crappy. I can tell you this once I had the aluminum patterns cut out, I had to ''trim''curve and adjust to get it right. I guess its safe to say that some of the techniques used with the sintra can be used with sheet metal as well. Warning metal is tricky and a little hard to work with..
Sweet job! :thumbsup:

Thanks again you guys , let me remind you they are not thin or flimsy in fact they have a decent thickness and they are very solid and most of all light in weight.
VERY cool. I made sheet aluminum shoulders last year, from the stuff at Lowe's. They came out great.

Looks good.
I have to agree with all the previous posts...this stuff looks great. Really top notch work! How long did it take you? What kind of tools did you use?

The best thing I like about using metal is it makes weathering SOOO much easier.
Sorry for not replying back to some of you guys. Ok many members ask me what tools did I use to make these gauntlets.
Well I use ,
Tools: sheetmetal cutting scissors , a dremel with cutting discs and metal grinding bits,hand files,some steel putty ,and some round and square objects around the house for shaping the armor and most of all ''my bare hands and eyes'' thats all.
As for me making chest pieces sure it can be done. My entire sheet metal armor is solid with decent curves and shape they are also firm and feather weight.
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