How to build a EE-4

Every merc comes one day to the point, where he´s annoyed by the the lack of range and firepower of his old trusted EE-3. The logical solution is to swap it with a more sophisticated model, the EE-4. :lol:

Monday my Webley flaregun arrived, it´s a MK IV, not the old MK I that was used for the EE-3. But it has the same caliber, and some of it´s appearence.



It´s in a great shape, with a nice patina.

And today the barrel received:



First job ...... making a adapter from some delrin:






I really like it.


I have a spare 4x20 scope:


I think i will refrain from t-track, and instead use some u-shaped alu-profiles (as with the ROTJ-Sterlings) - but that isn´t written in stone yet.

And of course i need a rifle-butt. :wacko
Is that barrel made out of machined aluminum? Looks awesome, how is the weight compared to resin?

Yeah, machined Aluminium.

I have no resin one to compare, and i will probably never buy a resin gun - but usually resin versions are not as heavy as real guns. But a ROTJ EE-3 with a massive resinbarrel compared to a hollow alu one .... no idea.
While i was waiting for some glue to cure at my E-11A pistol build, i found some time to inspect the barrel closer.

The long part is only stuffed into the socket part, and secured with one small setscrew.


But the wall is very thin, so the inner tube got a indention when the lonely setscrew is thightened up- combined with this severe cut


It is a somehow unstable construction, that doesn´t lines up perfectly (yes, i know noone will notice, but i know it ...... and i´m german :wacko

So i decided to make a new and clean cut that eases the alignment:


Next step is to turn a disc that will be pressed into the tube end - it will stabilize the tube when the setscrew puts the needed pressure on it to hold the parts together.
Today i had some time to spend in my workshop, and i started to draw some pencil lines:



Then cutting and shaping some alu-profiles:


And after that a lot of drilling, adjusting, and pop-riveting brought this result:



Big Bore Bad Boy :smoking :



I´m satisfied with the way it comes out, definatly has more guts than the EE-3:


Now i have to try to get a shoulder-stock for it.
I decided this morning that i don´t like the hollow look from the front:


The muzzle is so big, it´s to easy to look inside the hollow barrel.

So i made a small part to place inside, after all is black it should be no longer that visible as now, but give it more detail and add some "realism".

thats a sweet looking blaster, cant wait to see it completed

By your command. cylon.gif

Today daddy got new toys. :love


Finally, the long needed parts:


There was a tiny problem with the fit, so i used my mill:


To make the slot a little bit wider, 0,7mm:



After that it was possible to fit the flaregun in the notch:


The assembled parts, yeah. :thumbsup:


To big for a good pic on the workbench:


Needed to lay it down on the shops concrete to get a good angle for a complete pic:


Next job - milling the blocks to mount the scope.

And finally, a size-comparision-pic:


It´s bigger to hold it, than expected from pics.
That is one beefy and built looking blaster. That is some excellent work on the aluminum. This rifle is already a thing of beauty but I can't wait to see it all painted and weathered.
Id like to see it next to an EE3 build

The difference is not soooo big if both are build as a ROTJ, due to beeing close in size, both having the typical Webley grip and the same caliber, and the covered barrel ...... the biggest difference is the part with the locking mechanism at the end of the chamber, and the more prominent hammer on the MK I.

As soon as i am lucky enough to grab a cheap Webley MK I :lol:, or a brass Hand-Schaub, i would build a ESB EE-3.

Then i make pics off them side by side.
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