Han shot first


Well-Known Hunter
We all know that Han shot poor Greedo in cold blood. But after seeing this list the evidence is clear that Boba Fett was right in trying to apprehend this lawless gunslinger who was menacing the galaxy.

Top 10 Other Things that Han Shot that Didn't Shoot at Him First
10. A poor, defenseless Minoc This flappy critter couldn't even operate a gun, much less shoot at Han.
9. The Space Slug Just moments after the cold-blooded Minoc shooting, we see Han shoot the insides of a space creature kind enough to have an atmosphere and gravity in its stomach.
http://www.fbtb.net/customs/index.asp?section=gallery&name=bbhttp://www.fbtb.net/customs/index.asp?section=gallery&name=bb8. A stormtrooper He was just chasing and ordering a tresspasser to stop.
7. The garbage compactor door Even Leia thought this was excessive.
6. The intercom at the Detention Block Think of all the calls home Imperial troops had made from that comm unit. "Hi Mom. We blew up Alderaan today. Give love to Pop."
5. An officer on the Death Star Hey, that could have been a Bothan spy. They're masters of disguise, you know.
4. Imperial probe droid Before he left the base, Han listened to the garble it was transmitting and said, "It isn't friendly whatever it is." If you don't know what it is, how can you tell it is bad? There might have been space kittens in there.
3. Vader's wingman The guy was given a direct order not to fire. He was just around for moral support.
2. The Sarlacc tentacle It was only trying to eat Lando-- heck, didn't Chewie want to do that at the end of Empire?
1. His poor, dying Tauntaun Perhaps in the special edition, Lucas should have animated the tauntaun going nuts and in the throes of death, clawing out one of Han's eyes or grabbing his blaster and squeezing off a few shots-- making it justifiable to spill its smelly macaroni guts in the snow.
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LMAO!!! Dont forget Leia..LOL TMI : )..Sorry guys, BAD joke (not to mention innapropriate) but somebody had to do it : /
That scene drives me bonkers. In the Special Edition when Greedo shoots it doesn't even go straight. I has a odd angle like the barrel was tweaked.
Hahaha.........This old post popped up as a "similar thread" at the bottom of a page.

I had completely forgotten about ever posting this. It deserves a necro post.
:) Agreed. Apparently, my son doesn't quite agree with Greedo's demise being unfortunate or did he?:

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