Finally started my custom armor!

mando wannabe

New Hunter
Hey, all...

I've been hanging out, lurking around this site for several years, wishing and dreaming...

Well, I finally started my buy'ce! Using Wizard of Flight's templates (they're a huge help!)

As soon as I have access to a digital camera, I'll post pics of the construction process.

Right now, I'm cutting out templates and gluing them to manila file folders to make patterns; eventually, my bucket'll be layered in fiberglass.

Keep checkin' back for pics!

Got Pics!


Please ignore the junk in the background...gotta leave to take the wife to work in 1 minute, and don't have time to clean LOL.

Hey, it might just be me, or maybe the camera angle, but it seems like it get's a just a tad too wide as it goes down. But overall, nice job, ner'vod, good start.
Thanks, ner vod. The sides are a little bit too wide, kinda flared out of shape toward the front. But I can fix that when I go to lay on the fiberglass.
top of the mandibles jut out further than the forehead. at least when looked at from the right side.
flare is way wide and goes too far forward. there ought to be a flat area between the flare and the cheek.

not doing the indented keyslots?

edit: you have the flat area on the right but not the left side.
Yeah, I noticed all those things, and I've decided to redo it. The materials I used just don't hold their shape well enough, and fiberglassing it would be a real pain in the shebs, so when payday hits (and I can convince the wife LOL), I'm gonna redo it using foam board. Also, I found a great deal on carbon fiber cloth at an ebay store, so it's gonna be done up in carbon fiber.

So: anybody got any experience heating and bending foam board?
umm i'd suggest single ply non-corrugated matboard or 1-2mm Sintra.
is that what you mean by foam board? foamed pvc sheet (sintra)?
fiberglassing isn't that bad if you replace the glass fiber mat with drywall tape.
Can't imagine carbon fiber would be much nicer to work with or cheaper for that matter.

next time follow antmans tutorial, i did 3 times and every time the shape and flare came out near perfect.
he made using the WoF temps almost thoughtless activity...
Thanks, I'll try that. I've actually worked with both carbon fiber and fiberglass before, and neither is too difficult to work with. The kits I found for sale on ebay are 36 bucks for an 18 x 50 inch sheet of cloth and 6 oz of epoxy resin. All in all, it's a pretty good deal, considering carbon fiber cloth normally goes for about $25 per square yard.

I'll go look into that tutorial right now...
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