Who would win in a fight...Fett or Iron Man?


New Hunter
Ok prop nerds, let's settle this. Who would win? Based on weaponry, intellect, age, etc. I know that there are a few of you die hard fett fans that have had you panties all twisted because a few guys posted their new iron man builds on your precious fett board, but can't we all just get along.

So in the spirit of solving differences I say DUEL IT OUT and show me who would win...or just keep making catty comments like a bunch of gay guys watching six feet under.
Hmmm I think you shall change the name on your thread... Like, "Would Iron Man have a chanse against Fett", or "How long do you think Iron Man could stay alive against Boba"...

Fett would just wait till Tony was drunk and stupid and then walk in and kill him, or disintegrate him, or arrest him or whatever he wanted to do. No contest at all. Fett is all business, Iron Man is all messed up in the head
Okay lets check at the chinks in the armor:
Boba fett
all of the back of the legs

Iron Man
Ummm... Uhhhh....
Theres no chinks

Advantage Iron Man

Plus Iron Man was never killed.
Fett was eaten by a giant Venus Fly Trap with tentacles ( the Sarlacc Pit)

And Fett's Lasers would just be deflected off of Iron Mans Shiny armor.

Iron Man every time. Don't even get me started on War Machine
Your info is flawed, Boba never died in the sarlacc just cause he went in doesnt mean he died. He blew it up from the inside and made it out.

His armor also has a powered sheild which deflects blaster shots...I think its a pretty even fight. But Boba is smarter tactically, that may give him a needed advantage
I'm no Iron man fan, but I never saw Iron Mans armor deflect "Laser"... I'm sure that bobas SW technologi got stuff that Iron mans armor can't "deflect" ... And again... why meet face to face weh nyou got a space shipp...
I am talking about it having a mirror like surface. Also I don't care what the expanded universe says about the escape from the pit. And If he did have a deflector were did all of those marks on his armor come from?An Iron Man suit defeated ultimo (giant robot). If Iron Man could defeat that he could destroy the Slave 1 too.
again, Fett is smarter and is all business. Stark is a drunk and playboy. Fett would pick the time and place to confront him (because that is what he does) and Fett would take him out. The Iron Man suit would not come into play.
Well... Seens there's no such a thing as "a space shipp shild" in the Iron Man movie you never see Iron man blow something up that has a shild... But again... we talking about slave 1... this shipp got a " XS-12 shield system" (The system was so powerful that the shields that were produced were equivalent to those found on a Victory I-class Star Destroyer), that's not the easyest thing to penetrate. But... i think that compair dmg to dmg is wrong way to decide who would win... I would say boba becouse of hes experience, and that he would set up several traps and... well, have a plan on how to defeat a flyingrobotlooking guy... Sure you can allways compair that Boba got awsome gadjets or Iron man got super weapons that blow things up so easely, but this is not about what you got, it's about how you use it ^^ (but still I'm sure that Iron Mans armor wouldn't have a chanse against a hit from an ion canon. Think that would make Iron Mans armor nonfunktional pretty fast)...
again, Fett is smarter and is all business. Stark is a drunk and playboy.

Dude, Tony Stark would be a block of carbonite hangin' on some gangster's wall. Stark and BF are like a trust-fund college fratboy versus a Navy SEAL.

Bottom line, if you wanna pick up girls at the Mos Eisley cantina, it's all Tony Stark. When the shooting starts, bet on a Fett, baby!! I mean, Boba Fett suited up when he was a kid!! Tony Stark didn't even build his first suit until he got a chest full of shrapnel from a guerilla ambush!!
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1st off this is about Iron Man vs. Boba Fett. So in this scenario Iron Man in his armor.

Sorry, dude. Tony Stark IS Iron Man, so you gotta carry all the baggage and liabilities that come with the man. Say what you want about the armor suit, but a good warrior (a Mandalorian, for example) knows how to hit above his weight class. If half the battle is mental, Boba Fett all the way.

And don't even get me started on War Machine, either. Rhodes' biggest liability is that he's a PILOT, not a BUILDER. If Stark's armor takes a critical hit, he may know how to get it running again. If Rhodes takes a hit from an ion cannon, what's he gonna do? Dial tech support?
Sorry, dude. Tony Stark IS Iron Man, so you gotta carry all the baggage and liabilities that come with the man. Say what you want about the armor suit, but a good warrior (a Mandalorian, for example) knows how to hit above his weight class. If half the battle is mental, Boba Fett all the way.

And don't even get me started on War Machine, either. Rhodes' biggest liability is that he's a PILOT, not a BUILDER. If Stark's armor takes a critical hit, he may know how to get it running again. If Rhodes takes a hit from an ion cannon, what's he gonna do? Dial tech support?

Clearly you haven't read a single Iron Man comic. Rhodes was not a pilot he was a solider in the USMC during Vietnam so has the same skill as Fett. Fett is a better fighter than Stark but, Iron Man has an overwhelming Tech advantage. Also the Iron Man and War Machine suits have EMP shields.
Well... EMP shilds or not... Slave 1 still got enought powerfull weapons to take down a helicarrier, iron man or war machine... It's just a matter of skills and experience how and where to fire for maximum effect... and that's for sure, boba got the skills for that ;)
squadrons of fighters.... I thought we talked about 1 vs 1 fight... I don't know iron man storrys so I guesed that the helicarrier was a shipp.. Iron Mans shipp?? becouse this was after all a fight with boba against Iron Man... So why would iron man then need help of a helicarrier if that wasn't hes shipp.. and if it was hes shipp.. why seend fighters in a 1vs1 battle ?
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