Starting first set of 'gam

woah hold it there vode! Demagol was an inspiration to me! He trained me, he was one of the Mandalorian GREATS! GREATS I TELL YOU!

<- Demagol is in my Avatar. He is my INSPIRATION. NEVER EVER EVER say he sucked!! Are we clear?!!?!?!?! Don't corrupt this 'ika's little mind!

The emblems are attached Vod. (Trust me, Demagol is the shiz.)


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dude, the only thing i liked about demgol was when he tortured the jedi, but other than that he was a disgrace to the mandalorians. Jango is the best, THE BEST I TELL YOU (till he got decapatated)
Demagol is my god, He is The best mandalorian EVER up there with boba fett (above to me) the fact that he tortures people makes me jizz a little
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So I put the armor on hold
(until i get my supplies and someone tells me how too do gauntlets im thinking using a large beverage cup large or meduim and using bondo and lots of it, and when im done all the Sketches) Jango You read my mind I Actually was going to use thigh armor (which Boba the fett didn't)
Demagol is my God, He is The best mandalorian EVER up there with boba fett (above to me) the fact that he tortures people makes me jizz a little

O.o if that happens i suggest a good doctor, and not Pacx.. i dont think you want him, well.......... Lets just leave it at that :rolleyes

Just try and forget anything was brought up :lol:
Demagol was one of the BEST Mandalorians, up there with Je'Karta Prudii, Boba and Jango Fett and Jaster Mereel.

haha thanks Shuk'ika. Those were my rejects. :D
Alpha I Trust no one but myself with my health after Je'karta Prudii Died. Yeah Pacx, Im writing my Story in First person starting with your death, and ending with a fade out and no death
UPDATE: my story is a page for the intro, holy ****, it involves Alpha's Character,
Pacx's Je'karta
And the jedi that killed je'karta That was later killed By zuka
@ Zuka: lmao I understand... just remember to keep it PG, some of the readers are minors! lol

@ Pacx: Hey Pac'ika, any chance we could get u to snap some pics of ur kit so far and get 'em up here for us to look at. I still owe u a sketch and can't even work on it until I have an idea of what to do. I MUST have reference pics, U MUST post pics... don't make me steal Ad'ika's laserwhip to get after u! lol
@Pacx: **** right you better post, BI- whoops almost made this a mature thread
@Kal: Kal im still Zuk'ika too everyone on the forum INCLUDING: Lev'ika (By a mere 8 days)
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