New here with some questions.


Hello i just sent payment to Sgt.Fang for a Helmet (Bucket) (not down with the lingo yet YO! haha) any ways i had a few questions for when i get it and start working on it.

1) What type of paint and primer is suggested? i have an airbrush and i have tuns of paint for miniatures (i.e. citadel water based paint and also citadel primer) would that work or should i use some other type?

2) should i "glass" the inside before or after cutting out the T and keyholes??

3) is there any kind of template one can open in say photoshop or paintshop pro in order to try out colors for helmet/armor?? i saw that NovallTalon posted a link to the madomaker but i want to be able to use my own colors and be able to add marks and such. ive looked at many threads but haven seen anything like what im looking for (im also realy bad at surching and actually finding what im looking for so that might be my problem, if so im sorry)

there were a couple more questions i had but i have forgotten them allready B^( should have wrote them down first any ways any help would be super!! and i cant wait to get my first part of my costume!!

ahh just thought of another question that kinda goes with the glassing... what type of fiberglass kit should i use?? also ive read that people use bondo to fill in holes and fix stuff... where would one go to get it and is that what i would ask for just bondo??

thanks again!!
Anyone? was planning on going out and getting the paint, fiberglass, and other stuff this weekend but not sure what the best stuff to use is. any help would be great!
This is mainly to help bump you back to the top

Paints depend on the material you are painting on, I went with good old spray paint and it worked well.
Sadly i never worked with fiberglass so have no answer to "glassing" but i think it would be easier to glass before cutting for the visor, given it will add rigidity and so when you do cut it, the helmet keeps the proper shape.
As for color templets... use the mando maker, just print screen and import to photoshop.

So are you using fiberlgass to make the whole armor? What helmet u got?
hi - and welcome

1) What type of paint and primer is suggested? i - not tried a water based paint. for other helmets - TK and clone; I have used autoshop rattel cans. Most on here use airbrush with acrylic type paint IIRC eg Humbrol, Tamiya, Floquil

2) should i "glass" the inside before or after cutting out the T and keyholes??
thats up to you. not so important for the keyholes - but keepin the T visor part in helps the help hold its overall shape whilst re-enforcing it. I have tried both ways, and just prefer leaving them in and cuttin em out only AFTER glassing

3) is there any kind of template one can open in say photoshop or paintshop pro in order to try out colors for helmet/armor??

erm... dont know. not tech savvy enough. but why not just draw your own? if its just for testing colour?

erm - how old are yer? some of the stuff we use is kinda toxic - eg FG resin, bondo etc. so dont wnt to get in trouble with your parents !! make sure you have approriate protection.
I use fibreglass resin bought frmo an auto-shop or boat repair place. Its a polyester resin which comes in 2 parts, the resin and a catalyst.
For the fibreglass - I use what is called chopped strand matt (CSM)

Bondo - its an american term for a brand of body filler. again a good autoshop should stock some. In UK its called Isopon. Same stuff

I would suggest you visit the build threads - and send pms or post in the threads to the people currently doign builds - they will be the most up to date on materials etc

more questions? fire away!
This is mainly to help bump you back to the top

Paints depend on the material you are painting on, I went with good old spray paint and it worked well.
Sadly i never worked with fiberglass so have no answer to "glassing" but i think it would be easier to glass before cutting for the visor, given it will add rigidity and so when you do cut it, the helmet keeps the proper shape.
As for color templets... use the mando maker, just print screen and import to photoshop.

So are you using fiberlgass to make the whole armor? What helmet u got?

I should be getting a Helmet from SgtFang. i sent the money last sunday but havnt heard back from him yet B^) im sure he is just busy B^)

as for the armor... im not sure yet... ive seen some parts on ebay and a couple of them im thinking about getting, it will be a slow build due to lack of money B^) he he but i hope to have most of it by the end of October B^) i hope any ways. im also not sure how i want to do the gauntlets... not sure if i wana try and build my own or get a kit (also not sure where to go to get a kit) also debateing on wether to get a jet pack (like jango's) or make my own pack thats a wepon rack to hold a rifel and other wepons (kinda like that idea better).

as for the mando maker i think thats what ill have to do B^) and thanks for the tip i hadnt thought of that B^P

hi - and welcome

1) What type of paint and primer is suggested? i - not tried a water based paint. for other helmets - TK and clone; I have used autoshop rattel cans. Most on here use airbrush with acrylic type paint IIRC eg Humbrol, Tamiya, Floquil

2) should i "glass" the inside before or after cutting out the T and keyholes??
thats up to you. not so important for the keyholes - but keepin the T visor part in helps the help hold its overall shape whilst re-enforcing it. I have tried both ways, and just prefer leaving them in and cuttin em out only AFTER glassing

3) is there any kind of template one can open in say photoshop or paintshop pro in order to try out colors for helmet/armor??

erm... dont know. not tech savvy enough. but why not just draw your own? if its just for testing colour?

erm - how old are yer? some of the stuff we use is kinda toxic - eg FG resin, bondo etc. so dont wnt to get in trouble with your parents !! make sure you have approriate protection.
I use fibreglass resin bought frmo an auto-shop or boat repair place. Its a polyester resin which comes in 2 parts, the resin and a catalyst.
For the fibreglass - I use what is called chopped strand matt (CSM)

Bondo - its an american term for a brand of body filler. again a good autoshop should stock some. In UK its called Isopon. Same stuff

I would suggest you visit the build threads - and send pms or post in the threads to the people currently doign builds - they will be the most up to date on materials etc

more questions? fire away!

hey thanks for this! now i know what to look for i think i will glass it before cutting out the parts B^) and as for my age... im 32 B^) my spelling sucks and punctuation is nonexestant B^) sorry bout that he he

also thanks for mentioning the build threads i hadnt seen them before ... not shure how i missed them B^(

thanks guys and ill start a new thread once i get the helmet in with a WIP thread and post pics B^)
im pretty sure the SGTFang will withstand dremmeling out the visor section. i think its slush-cast and strong at that.
you shoudl be fine.

just slap a visor in there and youre good to G.O.
you wont need to glass the SGT bucket when you cut the T-Visor out, but get the tinted visor inserted and attached soon after or it may warp, but SGT makes 100% pure quality work, be patient for it to arrive, I haven't seen 1 in real life, but his buckets are among the BEST you can buy.
I suggest using epoxy or something STRONG to attach your visor.

Also, welcome aboard and dont be afraid to ask, were here to help.
oops soz mate - didnt read your 1st line - didnt realise it was a Fang you were talking abt - thought you were referring to scratch buiding

actually - was wondering abt the new Fang lids as well - in his most recent sales, he does explicitly state
''All kits are roto cast in SilPak SilPlastic polyurethane. This is plenty strong enough for display and light trooping, but if your concerned about strength, some people go in with a couple layers of fiberglass from to make them extra strong.''

is that a change from previous Fang lids?
if I did choose to glass though...... I would prob stil do it prior to cutting the t-visor out

no offense was meant by the age comment man - I am just aware that this is a more family friendly site than most and wanted to make sure I wasnt recommending a kid to use toxic stuff ;P

if u are US based - you will have the advantage over us Europeans cos lots of the listed paint lists are for US brands :D

good luck man - cant wait to see the WIP!
Well i just picked up my glassing kit, primer, and bondo B^) i plan on getting paint next week B^) im getting excited. hope it comes soon B^)

also while i was cleaning up my bedroom i remembered i had sum boots that i could use with my costume.... the only problem i can see is that there are a couple logos on the boots...but they are dang cool looking B^)



what do yall think?? with these i wont need shin guards. B^)

and for anyone that wants to know, they are NewRock boots. they have been used in many science fiction movies and well just regular movies as well... if you are a firefly fan the last epp with the bounty hunter in red is wearing a pair B^) if anyone in the US that wants a super cheep place to get them let me know ill send you a link to the cheapest place to get them ... in the US that is B^P
Cool boots, I'd get a knife to the logo if I were you though.

i would if they were regular boots but these puppies cost around 300 bucks. B^( just cant bring my self to do that... i may be able to make a cover though... using green stuff and some kinda tacky stuff to hold it on. hmm ill have to test that out.
well, just go get black construction boots or hiking boots. cost about 30 bucks.

well i could do that but since i have these boots already why not use them? B^) also i wont need shin armor with these boots B^) saves me more money. not to mention these boots are super comfortable. i think im going to try and cover that back logo though B^) would be funny to sculpt out the name in aurek besh B^)
got a question that i cant find the answer to in the weathering thread:facepalm

what is the purple stuff you use for weathering??

you put it on between coats and peal it off once you are finished to show the undercoats.
The purple stuff you're refering to is masking fluid. It comes in purple but you can also get it in biege and is made by Windsor & Newton. Avaidable in all good art shops. As for the purple stuff. I'm not sure who produces that, I'm sure someone who knows will chime in. :)
The purple stuff you're refering to is masking fluid. It comes in purple but you can also get it in biege and is made by Windsor & Newton. Avaidable in all good art shops. As for the purple stuff. I'm not sure who produces that, I'm sure someone who knows will chime in. :)

sweet thanks!! :D
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