WIP: Darth Nihilus Sculpt


Hey guys,

I've been posting this over on the RPF, but I figured I should share it here! What do you guys think thus far??


Here is my progress on my Darth Nihilus sculpt. I have about 3 hours into it. I took some liberties on the original design, but I went for the COTF version instead of the KOTOR style.

Though I'm not a big fan of klean clay for sculpting, I had twenty pounds sitting around so I used it. I'm going to refine the eyes and fix the proportions a bit and then cast a prototype. It will be a lot easier to fix everything when it is cast because the klean clay is WAY too soft at room temp. Any input or suggestions will be greatly appreciated!


It may look weird because the nose of the armature is crooked and has a 20 degree slant to the right.

Did a bit more because I got off work early. I bulked out the eye sockets on the sides and fixed some symmetry problems. I think it is about ready to mold after I smooth and do a thorough check. I like to do the major refining after a prototype is cast.



I feel like it is coming along pretty nice just using the ole hands for the sculpt. I don't have any tools at my apartment! :ohwell I'm going to mold it tomorrow so I can get a prototype to refine.

I threw on a prototype mold using 100% silicone caulk. I know that most of you will think: why would do that??! Well, the truth is that it is cheap, and I can't justify using high grade silicone on the rough cast. If you really know what you're doing, using silicone caulk can actually turn out very respectable though it will never be like using smooth-on silicone. It does produce a very nice first cast to sand and fill before cracking open the expensive silicone. If anyone wants to know how exactly to go about this, I'll post a step by step sometime.

Nice! I can't wait to see it finished! Are you sure it fits your face correctly? :p

Haha! Well, the armature I used is roughly the same size as my head. I put the clay on thick enough and used measurements from another guys sculpt to make sure I was in the ballpark. I probably wont ever wear it anyway. It'll just go on a bust!

Thanks for the support guys :)!! The only problem with using caulk molds is that you have to wait A LOT longer. You can get by with a 48 hour cure, but I'd wait a week or two. I will be gone next week so it will have plenty of time to cure.
Well, the first attempt at the silicone chaulk mold ended…slightly well. My mother called me while I was doing the molding so it started to set up while I was on the phone. Once this stuff starts to set, it is nearly impossible to get it to form to the sculpt. I poured a cast into the mold, and it is do-able. It will require A LOT more cleaning up than I usually like because one eye socket is pretty bad. I am contemplating if I should redo the mold. It is cheap so I think I might. If I do it again, I will be sure to take many pictures for a mini tutorial.
have you finished the nihilus mask yet?
And did the silicone mold work on it?
I have a Nihilus and Revan that I want to make duplicates of, and wanna be sure your silicone molding works.
Ya, I'm pretty sure i posted the rough cast in the silicone caulk mold tutorial I posted. You can see it here: http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/showthread.php?t=32515.

I haven't finished the master yet because I have been VERY busy with a commission project. I was also just laid off at work so I have had a lot on my mind. The master is almost done but not 100% ready. I plan to make these in vacuum formed plastic. I'll keep this updated when the time comes.

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