Seen STAR TREK yet?

Decent. Nothing mindblowing or incredible (in short, no TDK) but definately worth going to. I had a good time watching it. (Actually, I think I liked it better than the SW prequels, for waht thats worth.) I think I liked wolverine a little bit better than ST though.
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I went nuts man. That movie surpassed my expectations by a long shot! I loved it. To be honest, I really don't like Star Trek... I just could not get into it. This movie tho, was OUTSTANDING. A must see for any sci fi fan :)

I went nuts man. That movie surpassed my expectations by a long shot! I loved it. To be honest, I really don't like Star Trek... I just could not get into it. This movie tho, was OUTSTANDING. A must see for any sci fi fan :)


Ditto! I never really got into the shows, but this was amazing! I actually saw it twice!
I grew up with Star Trek the TV series and love most of the ST movies. "Star Trek" was very entertaining, an action packed movie, a storyline emphasis in an alternate ST universe, and less on "logistical"/believable flow to keep the fast pace to the movie.

I would have like it more if it had stayed pertinent to the origianl ST time continuum.
Just seen it myself, and have to say not a Star Trek fan ( although I have a soft spot for most Sci fi ). It was a great watch. The detail on the Ships... sorry Wessels;)... was amazing. So they rewrote some things, that's cool, it worked for me. It just means there will be more like it. And I'll be going to see them too:)
I loved it!!!! It had some great action sequences and some campy nods to the original series. ****SPOILER****The only thing I thought was odd was the whole Spock Uhura thing
That was a suprising twist, huh?

Still, for Abrams to not have been a fan and still produce this great a TREK film shows that he has enough respect for the fans and isn't just trying to cash in. There were just enough nods to make what was different in his version easier to accept.

TREK now has a new lease on life, much like JAME BOND does.
That was a suprising twist, huh?

Still, for Abrams to not have been a fan and still produce this great a TREK film shows that he has enough respect for the fans and isn't just trying to cash in. There were just enough nods to make what was different in his version easier to accept.

TREK now has a new lease on life, much like JAME BOND does.

Well said. I never was that interested in Star Trek but this new version deffinately changed all that. I really think this is what the franchise needed, a fresh new look
I thought the movie was great.:thumbsup: The references to the other movies (especially Star Trek II) and the series made it even better.
This may be too early, but I'm thinking J.J. Abrams could be the next Spielberg.
I saw it last night and thought it was amazing. I'm a major Trek geek (please don't hate me) and Abrams did a heck of a job. The characters were true to Roddenberry's dream and the actors did a brilliant job. It was great. Only 3 things I didn't care for: 1-Nero was too whiney and his character didn't have a lot of depth. 2-Spock being coflicted with his human half more than I would have liked. 3-Enterprise's engineering; looked like a steam ship. Well, Scotty wasn't on board when she was built and they didn't have the dilithium crystals yet. That's for film number 2. Other than that, fantastic movie.

Who says you can't have the both of two worlds? Star Trek and of course my Star Wars!!
I thought the movie was great.:thumbsup: The references to the other movies (especially Star Trek II) and the series made it even better.
This may be too early, but I'm thinking J.J. Abrams could be the next Spielberg.

Too early? J.J. Abrams is no spring chicken. He's 42 years old. Spielberg was 25 when he directed Jaws. Abrams has already been around for a long time in Hollywood. Nearly twenty years already. He doesn't have near the track record Spielberg accumulated by that age.

I haven't seen ST yet, though I certainly plan to at some point. I do like ST in general, though not a fan of all those space station spin-off TV shows (how boring).
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I believe that oneone was talking about his movie track record so far. Obviously he is going to have to do more masterpieces like this Star Trek movie to be considered the next Spielberg. His age is irrelevant, it will be the volume of quality work that will speak for J.J., no matter what age he is when his work is done.
I loved this movie!! I mean I was blown away from start to finish! :thumbsup::thumbsup: but, a big part of me hated me FOR loving it!!:angry:angry I mean, how dare they have good script writing AND good acting too!:(:( I loved the classic lines spread out in the movie, every time the next one was quoted I had a grin from ear to ear. How dare J.J. Abrams make a sci-fi movie so superior that it has me 2nd guessing my beloved prequels. and last but not least how can he make Star Trek so sexy, that my memories of Portman and Fisher seem so silly. The only question remains.... Am I a Trekkie Fanboy now? :wacko:confused:confused
It was OK. I'm not a big fan of the whole reboot thing...I think it's been over done and a good example of lack-of-creativity in today's movie industry. Why not hit us with some new franchise or ideas for once. If reboot is all they're going to do, then build an Enterprise E and put a new crew in it.

Oh, and I'm blaming the red matter being delivered to Mexico City to late as the cause for swine flu. ;P
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