Can you define TDH?

Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
I have been sitting here thinking a bit about TDH... trying to think of three single words that define what TDH is all about. Here is what I have come up with:

Research - Build - Share

I guess there are infinite ways to say that like - Learn - Construct - Share or something like that, but I feel like in those three words, the whole of TDH is summed up. I would love to see your ideas. Remember, this is three seperate single words, not a phrase consisting of three words.
(it's in your tagline)

We have gotten a considerable amount of negative feedback for using that word... some purely out of jealousy, some out of of a belief that using such a word denotes arrogance. I think "elite" is true and relevant when I look at the costumes fellow TDH members have built, but I also wonder if there might be a better way to say it.
Community - Geeky - Fun

Your set is good, but could also be said of I like TDH for the community aspect of it that we're basically a big bunch of geeks having a blast figuring out how to make replicas of sci-fi props. :thumbsup:
We have gotten a considerable amount of negative feedback for using that word... some purely out of jealousy, some out of of a belief that using such a word denotes arrogance. I think "elite" is true and relevant when I look at the costumes fellow TDH members have built, but I also wonder if there might be a better way to say it.

How about "superlative"?
Community - Geeky - Fun

Your set is good, but could also be said of I like TDH for the community aspect of it that we're basically a big bunch of geeks having a blast figuring out how to make replicas of sci-fi props. :thumbsup:

You make a very good point!

When I was working on my list (which is by no means set in stone) my thought process ran in a linear fashion of:

I come to TDH to RESEARCH information for my Fett project. I use that information to BUILD my costume. I then SHARE my costume and what I have learned or discovered with others.

For me (and this is JUST me) I don't come to TDH for the community aspect. I love the TDH community and the family friendly nature, but that is not why I am here. I am here because TDH is the best resource for Fett information on the web. The fact that we have an amazing community is just a bonus!
I think those sum it up pretty well, Art. Like you said there's synonyms, but those are the three basic ideas.

-learning all there is to know about the costume
-building the costume
-sharing your work

I agree that "community" is a very important part of TDH. Hell, I haven't been a regular in years but I still feel like it's Cheers around here when I pop up, "PHIL!" lol

If you asked which forum means 'family' or 'community' I would instantly say TDH.

You make a very good point!

For me (and this is JUST me) I don't come to TDH for the community aspect. I love the TDH community and the family friendly nature, but that is not why I am here. I am here because TDH is the best resource for Fett information on the web. The fact that we have an amazing community is just a bonus!

I agree and that is the same reason I am here. I like the family "community" feel to everything and consider that a major bonus. If it was not for the Fett research and knowledge I would not be on here loitering everyday. I can't think of any three words that fully summarize TDH.

The site specializes in Boba/Jango/Zam/and other Mandalorions but it does not turn down any other costume (Since there is a spot for each to be posted about). I would have to say Elite-Costuming-Forum. Even if the word "Elite" shows arrogance. If I could use more words I would add (Specializing in the Fetts) to the end.
Share is a good word as it describes the sharing of knowledge, the sharing of the finished work (and the progress most of the time) and in some ways encompasses the family. There's not much point in posting your finished work to a website where noone is going to see it or comment on it.
"How would I describe The Dented Helmet...3 words,...Bears - Beets - Battlestar Galactica...."


Fans of the Office will understand...
I have been sitting here thinking a bit about TDH... trying to think of three single words that define what TDH is all about. Here is what I have come up with:

Research - Build - Share

I guess there are infinite ways to say that like - Learn - Construct - Share or something like that, but I feel like in those three words, the whole of TDH is summed up. I would love to see your ideas. Remember, this is three seperate single words, not a phrase consisting of three words.

I've thought about it and really think you've got it spot on. It's fundamental and basic research put into practice. It's shared and open information put into practice. This is progress, in a very scientific way. That's why I love TDH - it's a continual peer review. One can express this with many words. So.. my three words (other than yours) would be:

Research - Test - Review
Diversity - Unity - Madness

We are all unique members with different abilities and experiances united by our Fett Madness.. i mean spending 100's of dollars and hours trying to achive the perfect Fett/mandalorian/BH costume can't be defined in any other way than pure madness...
I have been sitting here thinking a bit about TDH... trying to think of three single words that define what TDH is all about. Here is what I have come up with:

Research - Build - Share

I guess there are infinite ways to say that like - Learn - Construct - Share or something like that, but I feel like in those three words, the whole of TDH is summed up. I would love to see your ideas. Remember, this is three seperate single words, not a phrase consisting of three words.

I think this pretty much sums up what TDH is about. The family/community aspect of TDH is a positive by-product of what happens when you gather enough positive people together.
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