Star Wars Live Action with Fett:) there is a God

Good: Boba Fett will be in it.

Bad: I bet they will show way to much of the Fett man.

Fett is better left untouched and in the background
I'd actually like to see Daniel Logan get the part even if they don't show his face, just knowing it was him would be awesome, only thing better would be Jeremy Bulloch. Personally I don't think showing more of Fett is a bad thing. It'd certainly be better than the Adventures of Anakin and Obi that the Clone Wars has turned into. As long as they don't turn him into a joking and snickering chatter box I'll be in heaven.
this could be really good for the fett but also very bad, aslong as he is portrayed like he was in the original films it should be fine, something tells me it wont :facepalm

From what I've read the new live action series (which is being cast right now) is set between Ep. III and A New Hope and will focus on the formation of the Rebel Alliance. Depending on how focused it is there may or may not much Boba Fett in it. Knowing Lucas and his love for everything and everybody to be tied in with each other chances are that Boba Fett will probably be a key player in hunting down members of the early Alliance being personally hired by Darth Vader or something like that. I don't think that Lucas can resist the opportunity to tie Boba Fett in with Luke, Leia, and company further than he already is.
This would be really awesome! Like most of you already said... I hope he still is Boba ya know? Man of few words, mysterious, intimidating, ruthless... I'd be curious to see what changes would be made to his costume...

I'd be curious to see what changes would be made to his costume...

His costume is gonna have to be way less battle damaged. That will probably look strange to all of us. Good thing about it is we will have a whole NEW Boba to recreate. I have to say that my interest is peaked. :thumbsup:
I asked Daniel Logan about this recently and he said it's just rumors and he is not cast in the role. That said he could be under an NDA with LFL and not be able to talk about it. Though several others have...

He also did confirm that the new costume is sort of a pink color with baby blue gauntlets.

Okay, just kidding about that last part :D
I asked Daniel Logan about this recently and he said it's just rumors and he is not cast in the role. That said he could be under an NDA with LFL and not be able to talk about it. Though several others have...

He also did confirm that the new costume is sort of a pink color with baby blue gauntlets.

Okay, just kidding about that last part :D

Yeah my heart stopped for about 2 secs.. haha
I have to second (or third or fourth) Logan being cast as Boba. It only makes sense. He seems about the right age now.

This could be good if they get some decent writers (i.e., not George) and make it a more "grownup" show (as opposed to Clone Wars). If it's in the vein of Babylon 5 or the new Battlestar, I'll be happy. I'm cautiously optimistic. :)
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