Bren Sett (my custom)

ok, as promised, pics of the boots in progress. Dang things had to be red:angry so .... very light sanding with fine grit to break up the finish on the surface. Then, covering in black shoe polish. It will take many layers to make this work, but I really like the boots for this. When I am done, I will make armor to fit the front where the racing logo was.

armor 009.jpg

armor 010.jpg
thank you Artek, I will be working more on the helm and boots tomorrow (today, as I have not gotten to bed ). Also, will be trying to figure out how to paint rifle and not mess up the firing mechanism. It is a nerf longshot that I will be replacing the barrell with a nerf recon. It's a bit longer and heavier looking than I anticipated, but I hope will still look like a heavy scout and or sniper type.
i kinda like how the part of the boot you put polish on has a hint of red that shows through. The red will probably go better with your wifes color scheme. those boots are gonna look really cool.
Any Updates??? Seems like a lot of people use the Nerf Longshot, but it works just so darn well! I was going to use one, but was out of my reach and sadly I didnt hold on to mine (Me being a teenager I had one). The boots look great! The armor one the logo spot sounds like a good idea too. Or you can just paint the logo spot with some design. It seems to be plastic there and may not require additional armor on it. Keep us posted!
Thanks to everyone here!!:cheers You have all been so supportive. I printed out Alan's earpiece templates today. After looking at them, I kinda feel :confused , so I will find a tut to help me out. The boots are coming along just fine, and I will post more pics as soon as I can. Also downloaded the Mando dictionary from Karen Travis' stuff. I am going to try to learn the language (it seems easier than Tolkien's elvish, which I gave up on ). Any advice or help on this would be appreciated. Again thank you all for your support in this, you are all fantastic.:thumbsup:
Tolkien and C.S. Lewis are great though, you've got to admitt. ;)

Mando'a isn't to hard to learn, just a LOT of memorizing--like any language. Good luck with it! :)
O.K. Does anyone have any ideas on what to use for ear pieces? The plastic I am using for the bucket will be good and strong when I have sprayed in bed liner, but before that it is kinda' flimsy. I am afraid that if I try to use it to support a moving range finder, that the plastic will just bend and tear.

Will be working more on the boots today, as I am not sure where to go on the helmet. (see above question)
Old mobile phone pieces, an aerial from a walkie talkie, a small torch, cut pieces of plastic toys such as guns or swords.

I haven't seen many people use cabling, as in a cable going into one part of the earpiece and then into another.

Just have a look in your loft or cellar for all those old things you never use anymore.

Christ, I even have a dental tape box in front of me that could be used as part of an assembly :)

Hope that helps mate!
Well, I feel stupid. Isn't that one of the things mandos are known for. Just pick something up and make it work!! Thanks apparently I need a cup of coffee to wake me up better.
After a few hours of searching, I'm getting a little cross-eyed. Can anyone direct me to a post or tutorial on building ear pieces out of plastic? I really need help with this.
OK, I know I have really been slow at this. Helmet is almost finished, and I will post pics of progress this week. Also, I have decided to go ahead and work on the armor while I am waiting for funds to buy more supplies for helmet. The part I am concerned about is the codpiece. Can anyone help me to understand exactly how much it should curve and a good way to go about making heavy plastic bend and stay? This is really important to me, as I have only two months left to show everyone at my in-laws' bar what real costuming looks like.
i wish i could help you with the curve but i too am new to this :( but as for bending heavy plastic... what type of plastic is it? how heavy? i would think there could be a few things. heat gun or hair dryer depending on how thick it is, there is also hot water... i have used the hair dryer and hot water method my self and would just run it under cold/room temp water from the sink, i would then dry it off and stick it in the freezer just to be sure to lock in the shape :D

as for the concept art?? thats freakin awesome!!! i wish i could draw that good and be that accurate! would you be willing to draw a blank one for those of us without drawing talent?? that way we could print it out and color it in like a coloring book? :lol:

great work so far and good luck on finishing it up in time!!!! :cheers
Like all cod pieces, it needs to be big enough to hold the meat and two veg comfortably, so you will have to size to your own manhood.

That said, the curve is fairly easy when you break it down into its component shapes, glue the components together, smooth out with car body filler and you should be done fine :)

If you are not going for Boba or Jango, then the cod can be of anyshape as long as it's a cup.
Thanks, guys! I really appreciate the help. I will be posting pics again, soon. So stay tuned and let me know what you think.
As for the concept art, I can easily do a blank. The problem is getting me to actually put it out there for all of you. If you really want me to I will put forth the effort. However, they have a small program called mando-maker somewhere around here if you want the easy way out.
B^) i know i would appreciate it if you would B^) and as for the mando maker i have used it but the problem i find with it is that its at an odd angle and not a frontal view where as yours is and is much better detailed. B^)

keep up the good work you have inspired me!! cant wait to get working on my armor!! B^)
ok not a problem. The one posted here is actually on this computer; tell me where to send it, and I will. If you want one that is a little more detailed, I will try, and it will take a lot of patience and hounding.
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