TDH Insider Ad Update- Ad was declined by LFL-See post 12

Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
I talked to Steve Sansweet at SDCC regarding the Insider Ad. He said that the ad had passed the initial stages of approval and that TDH had been checked out by LFL and they like what they see. However, because this is a somewhat unique situation, approval is needed higher up and LFL's legal team will need to be involved as well. According to Steve we should have approval/denial in two weeks. He seemed optimistic that the ad would go through and said the ad looked very professional and impressive (thanks to TK409 and GINO). If we are appproved, our ad will run in issue #104 which goes on sale Sept 16, 2008. As soon as I hear something I will let you know.
Well, I have just received some very sad news from Titan Magazines, the company who handles the Insider:

"Hi Art,

Lucasfilm have finally come back to me saying that your ad has been disapproved. They have not specified why or what can be done to aid its approval. I am trying to obtain these bits of information now. When I hear back from them I will let you know immediately... ...I’m very sorry for this inconvenience, I am trying to get a more detailed explanation from Lucasfilm but they are being somewhat slow in their responses at the moment! The second I hear I will let you know!"

Obviously, if the ad doesn't run, we will refund everyone who paid to have their picture in the ad. I am totally crushed by this news, but whether the ad runs or not, we will press on an will continue to do our best to provide a great resource for bounty hunter fans.
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Wow! I wasn't expecting that! I was at the booth when Steve came over to chat with us about it, and he seemed quite optimistic about it. I've known Steve for a few years now, and when he's optimistic, he's usually right; this is the last thing I would have expected! I wish the best of luck that the ad will indeed run, but if not, you guys gave it your best shot!
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I will definitely be talking with Steve and see if he can give us a little more insight. I can think of a number of reasons why they might not have approved the ad, and if any of my hunches are correct, chances are, LFL will never be willing to say so in writing as it might leave them in a compromising position.

We must always remember that, technically, our hobby is a form of copyright infringement, and we only exist by the good graces and generosity of LFL. We may not like that very much but it doesn't change that it is a fact. If running an ad in the Insider crossed some line for them... well, that is their right to tell us no. It is disappointing to be sure and even more disappointing not to know why, but if the answer is to remain no... we will just have to shrug our shoulders and move on.
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I completely understand, Art. I honestly was skeptical when we were first discussing the ad. I was wondering if it would cause any woes later on if our name was published in a LucasFilm magazine. I myself wasn't able to pay to get a picture in the ad, but I'm sure those who did are going to be extremely disappointed when they hear the news. It's unfortunate, but there isn't anything that can really be done.
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While I'm bummed by this news, I'm not completely suprised by it. I'm, sure Steve Sansweet was optimistic because he understands us. The corporate lawyers on the other hand, well they don't. Like you said, they just see us as copyright infringements. I've had this in the back of my mind throughout the entire process, but I was hoping for the best.:(

Art, thank you so much for all of your hard work putting this ad together. I'd still love to see the finished product posted here.
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I have withheld showing the final ad as I wanted it to be a surprise, but if we get the final word that the ad is a no-go, I will definitely post it and send all those who were to be featured a high res copy. Too much work was put into the ad by too many talented people for no one to ever see it.
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Good morning,

All too familiar. I can understand the disapproval and possible reasons behind it. The foremost of which are not sinister but practical, legal concerns raised with the possible endorsement LFL would be interpreted as giving.

It is a sour and disappointing development but that was an understood risk in pursuing this opportunity. I believe it is remarkable thing for The Dented Helmet to have gotten so far. Not even the 501st has ever come close to an advertisement like this.

I want to applaud The Dented Helmet staff for their efforts. I would also like to acknowledge the members of the TDH community who showed their support for the project.

I've been at this for a long tyme. I have come to know many communities over the past half decade and I want to stress The Dented Helmet is unique. Ad or not, there's a lot behind this name and I am proud to be part of it.

Be well,
This is a slap in the face as far as I'm concerned!

I think this is entirely about CGI vs Prop Makers. Personally I don't think they care much for us vintage fans anymore. The Clone Wars trailer solidified that for me. I think our days are numbered guys :facepalm
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let us not despair

Sigh. I hear where you speak from, but I honestly believe The Dented Helmet will recover. TDH has proven its resilience, much like the plucky bounty hunter from which its name sake derives.

To me this disapproval is not personal, its business.

Because there's still a chance that a TDH advertisement could happen, I suggest we keep our collective cool and continue making some of the best fan-made creations in existence.

Be well--I mean this,
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