SHAKE AND BAKE, don't you love living in So Cal???


Active Hunter
Where were you when??

This is my first earthquake on the second story. We are in Fullerton, pretty close to the epicenter. We are all alive, :)

How is everyone???
don't you love California!!:eek: they are saying 5.8:wacko im glad you are alright... as good as you are I bet you didn't even miss a stitch!!8)
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ha, you are tooo funny! Yes, so far they are not reporting any damage anywhere,
except for pictures off the wall and cupboards opening.

Yet another reason to "get outta dodge" huh?

I won't forget Indiana, :)
I was driving at the time and didn't feel it but I heard that some buildings close to the epicenter experience gas lines leaking so check yours if you're in close proximity.
What a ride; up, down, up, down, side to side, and repeat. We're about 10 miles from the Chino epicenter and felt it pretty good too. I was on an early lunch and the whole restaurant shook, but nothing broke thankfully.

It looks like Chino broke some water lines and it's starting to build up on some streets and intersections. Nothing we can't handle. :thumbsup:
One thing I don't miss from my days in CA... :facepalm Remember waking up from one when I was a kid and seeing all the dishes and pantry items all over the kitchen floor once! That wasn't much fun to clean up.. though my Mom did get some nice new dishes. ;)

Glad everyone is okay!
The quake struck while I was taking the bar exam. Nobody really budged. We all just kept it was an interesting first day of the bar exam to say the least. Two more days to go! Hopefully no more earthquakes tomorrow or thursday.
Sorry I was on tattooine taking care of some business so I didnt feel anything.

But seriously, I didnt feel anything. Hope everything up north is alright and nobody is hurt.
It really was an interesting day. By the end of the day we were laughing about it. My boss told me her official position is jump over the balcony from our second story and aim for a car. It beats dying in a building, should it ever get that bad. I told her, I will take my chance and go down with the ship if necessary. I ain't jumpin'

It was a wild ride!!

I am very glad no one was seriously injured and no serious losses.!!
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