Artwork back ground


Active Hunter
I am intrested on the back ground of this artwork.Is the image taken form a "EU" story?Is the planet Mustfra(sorry misspelled)?and what is that treasure chest looking thing in the right corner?
It is a awesome picture that tells a thousand stories
I don't know the story to that, burc'ya. I've seen that advertised, I think, in one of my Tales of the Jedi comics. But I can't look at what it says cuz my comics are all packed up in a shoe box, sitting in a Pod. Try looking for it on

EDIT! I found it, mate. It's from Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire
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I have this comic with this very cover. I don't have all four yet. I just remember seeing the cover and wanting to read it. it's a good story, for the most part.
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