Free Comic Book Day events?


Sr Hunter
i'm sure a bunch of us showed up at comic stores yesterday for Free Comic Book Day. the 501st NEG was at 4 different locations.

the one i was at was great! we had the town opera house to set up a star wars scene!

all totaled we had vader, boba, greedo, stormies, a scout, luke, mara jade, c3po, a jawa, and an x-wing pilot for people, then jabba, han in carbonite and a gonk droid for props.

some of our pics:



I did FCBD with another garrison mate at a shop that was about 8 blocks away from my house.


Take a good look at this picture... specifically above Bacara's head

That was a complete, lucky accident that the number 66 appears above the Bacara's head. But I love the end result!
Here's a couple that my wife took at the Merivale location. They should suffice until you can get more from your camera Eli. ;)



Did one at Sarge's Comics in New London, CT It was the debut of my jet pack w/harness and I was worried that something would break and my jet pack would fall off and shatter... luckily nothing bad happened! :) Pics:







(Oh, and for some reason within 10 minutes of being outside I was asked to leave my blaster inside... weird, and yet a terminator guy was allowed to carry his shotgun around)
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Did one at Sarge's Comics in New London, CT It was the debut of my jet pack w/harness and I was worried that something would break and my jet pack would fall off and shatter... luckily nothing bad happened! :)

Bryan's Anakin costume just keeps getting worse! It looks more like Superman now!
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