Female mando....begun


Active Hunter
Hi guys,I have just started making my chest armour from my coustom mando. The shape is based on the new female mando figures that came out a while ago (Rav Bralor...etc). They are sintra with bodyfiller over the top, so are not equal in size or shape.....but I aint symetrical either! I maybe will get these cast and fibreglassed at somepoint in the future...but these will do for the moment.

Ive put up a photo of my gun..one of a pair. they are strippped out air pistols which I baught from America...last year just after the new UK law banning the importation of replica guns without good reason...but it seems starwars is a good enough reason:lol:thumbsup: Ive put up a picture of what I though they could look like...but I am not very good a customising guns so if anyone has a better idea please say/draw!

Anyway just wanted to show what Ive been doing, any comments good or bad would be appreciated.





custom gun.jpg
Please excuse the face....it will be covered by a helmet!:lol: I got this from the US and fits me really well I thought.....except that my legs are a bit too long. I am going to have longish black boots on so this wont be too much of a problem I hope. I am now working on my custom sidearms based on the walther 007 P99G, but I will psot pics of them/or one when I am done. Still working of the chest armour to get them as equal in size as I can. I am hoping to make my armour grey-silver with a metallic green edging (not all the way around) and blue shoulderbells and knee armour.

That suit is a really good fit! Nice find! I'm looking forward to seeing this come together.
As someone (very very) slowly building her own custom I always love to see what the rest of the girls are doing!

*settles in to watch*
I agree, the jumpsuit fits you very well! I wish mine fit me as good as it does you! :lol: Can't wait to see some more Mandowoman awsomeness. :) :cheers
I am now working on my guns, at some point I want to get a snipe rifle done...but that is a bit over my head at the moment. My side arms arent going to be that diffrent from the original guns but they are looking good to me so far. Thanks for your comments, I really appreciate it!!!
Jump suit looks great! I know how hard that specific style of armor is...try making it outta metal! =D

Great job so far, the only advice Is to be careful of the gap where the outside rounded edge of the armor will meet your vest. If your not careful, it will lift because of your chest and leave a good sized hole. I had to completely redo a metal chest on the female armor I'm working on because of that gap.
Jump suit looks great! I know how hard that specific style of armor is...try making it outta metal! =D

Great job so far, the only advice Is to be careful of the gap where the outside rounded edge of the armor will meet your vest. If your not careful, it will lift because of your chest and leave a good sized hole. I had to completely redo a metal chest on the female armor I'm working on because of that gap.

Thanks for the tip, I will work something out hopefully to prevent that happening.

I dont think I am going to use the flgihtsuit I have baught now, I am goin g to try and get some grey ones made by bobamaker...fingers crossed, so this is the design I have painted with psp, just for ideas.


custom colours.jpg
I have got this ex army combines groundsheet and rain cloak...thing, I am hoping to use it for my custom, I aint sure how its going to work yet because I want to have some round my neck, gathered like leia's endor pancho, I might make that section separate to the main part which will cover my back, but I will have to make some designs up so I dont ruin it!





looking good. but looks a bit like Hydra's CENE. so watch your color scheme do you guys dont both overlap.

eitehr way, shame abotu the otehr flightsuit, but youre rockin....so, um yeah... rock on!
Yeah I concer with all above statements. I still need to get softparts for mine too. If boba maker is to expensive(for me it is) i suggest ladysewforus, her stuff looks really good. Shes who i was gonna buy from:cry. Keep pics comin' I love fem'mandos!
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