What's your gaming system of choice?


Active Hunter
So, in late 06 I stayed out to get a Wii the day after thanksgiving. I got one of only 3 and waited 6 hours for it. In 3 weeks I had beaten all three games I've seen that I wanted for it (until Smash Brothers Brawl) and decided to get rid of it. I purchased a 360 and have not looked back since. Great graphics, great gameply.

I recently picked up Turok and Blue Dragon and after beating Turok have been extensively enjoying BD.
I prefer the old-school stuff like my NES and Sega Genesis.

for the current consoles, I'm a fan of PS2, followed by N64. I'd love to get a 360, but the $300-400 price tag is a little steep for me.
Some day I'll get to play HALO 1, 2, and 3 in a non-stop marathon, but it looks like it'll be a while off.
Bounty Hunter was a great SW game. I really enjoyed Battlefront for a while and the Lego series was awesome. I picked up Lego Star Wars: The complete saga but can't make myself play it. I played basically this same game so many times already it just hurts.
Bounty Hunter was a great SW game. I really enjoyed Battlefront for a while and the Lego series was awesome. I picked up Lego Star Wars: The complete saga but can't make myself play it. I played basically this same game so many times already it just hurts.

My wife and myself enjoyed playing the Lego Star wars, but your right after awhile it was a little hard to play.
XBOX 360 all the way!!! :thumbsup:

I have both the 360 and a wii and while the wii is a cool concept it just doesnt feed my needs for rated M for mature violence like the 360 does ;) JK. I actually have two 360 systems one for work and one for home and Ive worn them both out. My home system was a release date console and after three years I finally got the ROL. Guess it was just a matter of time but they fixed it in a matter of three weeks :thumbsup:

I see no reason for me ever buying a PS3 unless blu-ray wins the high def war. IMO I think they made a big mistake by not changing their controllers from the PS2 to the PS3. Games are better on 360 IMO and the online play for 360 is just so much better.

Oh I forgot....stupid Soul Calliber put Vader on the PS3 edition so I may have to grab one up for that reason also......but other than that 360 ALL THE WAY :thumbsup:
XBOX 360 all the way!!! :thumbsup:

I have both the 360 and a wii and while the wii is a cool concept it just doesnt feed my needs for rated M for mature violence like the 360 does ;) JK. I actually have two 360 systems one for work and one for home and Ive worn them both out. My home system was a release date console and after three years I finally got the ROL. Guess it was just a matter of time but they fixed it in a matter of three weeks :thumbsup:

I see no reason for me ever buying a PS3 unless blu-ray wins the high def war. IMO I think they made a big mistake by not changing their controllers from the PS2 to the PS3. Games are better on 360 IMO and the online play for 360 is just so much better.

Oh I forgot....stupid Soul Calliber put Vader on the PS3 edition so I may have to grab one up for that reason also......but other than that 360 ALL THE WAY :thumbsup:
I think Blu-ray just won. Toshiba conceded this week and said it will not go forward with HD DVD.
I am a fan of the 360 as well. Have a wii also. 360 is my fav.
I read in EGM that SC4 will ahve yooda in the 360 version, right?

I think they reported that the other character woudl be a buyable bonus..... might not need a PS3 afterall, eh?
I read in EGM that SC4 will ahve yooda in the 360 version, right?

I think they reported that the other character woudl be a buyable bonus..... might not need a PS3 afterall, eh?

That would be awesome if that is true :thumbsup:. Im not a real big yoda fan so I probably wouldnt buy for the 360 it if it was just him.
360 all the way here. I lov it, and i also got it cuz i had an xbox, so i kept all the games i liked, and i can still play em. I will prolly get a ps3 for the blu-ray, as i'm selling my hd dvds and player add-on, and I will either get a ps3 or a blu-ray player, whatevers cheaper.
Nintendo 64 is my preference. I really loved Shadows of the Empire and Rogue Squadron

Playstation 2 Battlefronts I and II and Bounty Hunter.

Super Nintendo just because i love Donkey Kong so much and Mario World
I've got a ps3 and love it but there aren't enough good games like the 360 has. but from what I'm hearing this year is the year for the ps3. alot more games coming out. and if you are looking to get a bluray player then go with the ps3 it's cheaper and you get a gaming system with it. I also am searching for a wii. Gotta have a party system.
X Box or the 360, but I do still have an old Atari that my dad had when I was really young that I still like to take out now and then when I visit him. get to play the old SW game for it when you had to kill the AT-AT's. I think it's the ESB one.

I still suck at it.
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PC pawns all! but of the "gaming systems" i prefer the good ol' SNES and N64. but of the next gens 360 is definitely the winner........... BUT PC is still better:lol:
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