My FP Armor....pic heavy


Active Hunter
My FP Armor....pic heavy (up-dated)

well, just tell me what u think. no weathering or aging has been done yet.. i wasnt sure how this was gonna turn out, but i'm happy with the results. its not exact becasue i improvised on some spots, but i like the way it was looking so i went with it. just wanna say thanks to everyone, the great talents that are here is amazing, and without everyones help i wouldnt have never taken this approach to make my own fett. thanks FP for the great armor! and peoples help with finding materials and photos! (delta, superjedi).. i used rouguestudios color list of paints and 90% is scratch-layered and a little bit of lmk what ya think! ill add a couple pics once the weathering is done and i touch up a couple spots where the damage didnt take so well. mainly on the left breast plate.......:) :cheers its. pic heavy so.. fyi .




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LOL! jedi :lol:

i used micromask to layer the scratches. its a blue gel and very easy to control. Thanks for the compliments so far guys! :thumbsup:
:cry wow 85 views and only 2 comments????................ i didnt think it suked that bad :lol: :cheers LOL ...mabye its the big toe scaring away the comments =p
The paint work looks great:thumbsup::cheers:thumbsup:
Not as a complaint but how are you going to lose the newness of the paint work???
What kind of weathering/aging technique are you going to use?
:cry wow 85 views and only 2 comments????................ i didnt think it suked that bad :lol: :cheers LOL ...mabye its the big toe scaring away the comments =p

I think it looks great, nice colors and attention to deatils.
I'm following the thread as you progress ;)

i used micromask to layer the scratches. its a blue gel and very easy to control.

I've seen that product at my local hobby shop. Does it go on pretty easily? How about peeling it off?
Just wondering how it compares to the Winsor&Newton fluid I usually use. The micromask is a lot less expensive!
i first wanna say thanks again for the complitmets guys!! :cheers :thumbsup: ok, a couple more photos w/ the black wash to dull down the paint and i used a dilluted flat black acrylic in my airbrush about 60/40 (60 paint, 40 distilled water) for the heavier spots, i held the armor about 2 1/2' away from the airbrush, and as soon as i hit the spots i wanted with paint i took a dry washcloth and smeared the speckles so it looked more dirty from blaster carbon etc.. instead of paint . one thing im gonna change is the fett chest emblem, i dont like the way the black took to the vinyl so im gonna hand paint one .;) and i got to do the highlite spots on the shoulders bells still so i didnt apply too much wash on them yet, so they still look pretty clean. so now ill juts be shaping my gauntlets and getting them assembled for paint untill i can paint my bucket ( waiting for rougestudios rotj paint list to hit the threads);). so besides a couple tweaks here + some scratches and my rotj armor is done as far as paint work. thanks for all the help fellas:cheers coldnt have done this without all of u! :thumbsup: ~shawn

superjedi.....the micromask is really nice to work with. the only trick is to put it on heavier. ( doulble coat kinda) and as long as ur gonna pull it off within a couple/ few hrs it peels juts dandy! i used about 1/3 of a bottle on my armor. so for the 2.60 u cant go wrong. :thumbsup:


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Nice job on the weathering! :thumbsup:

superjedi.....the micromask is really nice to work with. the only trick is to put it on heavier. ( doulble coat kinda) and as long as ur gonna pull it off within a couple/ few hrs it peels juts dandy! i used about 1/3 of a bottle on my armor. so for the 2.60 u cant go wrong. :thumbsup:

Wow! $2.60??? I might have to grab a bottle and try it out.
That's a lot cheaper than the $12.00 or so I paid for the Winsor & Newton's!
ill have my last update soon. i wanted to put on last set of pics with all the final weathering and dull coat seal on...had to do all my touch ups and fixes since the last update....+ i got going on my bucket:) so i strayed away from this for a bit...ill have new pics here soon, and a update on my helmet in that thread as well, juts did the up/cheeks this eve..... take care all :cheers and thanks for all the great compliments :thumbsup:
The metal underneath showing looks real !!!!

Has a realistic shine to it

The paint job is excellent. While I'm not brave enough to try a helmet, I might try my armor after seeing this
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