Don Post recast question


New Hunter
Don Post recast with pictures!!

I just got bit by the prop bug so hurried up and I bought a re-cast of a don post off of ebay. In hind sight I wish I would have bought a sgt fang, but maybe the next one.
Anyway, my question is this. I saw a picture of an original don post and it has the same deformation around the back of the neck as the re-cast that I bought. Is this the way that the helmet was released? Should I send back my re-cast? Whats the deal?



Thanks for the help.
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was it the guy selling a fiberglass re-cast of a 95 DP? this would been an auction on ebay in the last 2 weeks or so and he was asking $100.. just wondering casue i asked that seller( if its the same one) if it was de-formed and he said no it wasnt..and id like to add that if its the same guy he didnt show a photo of the back of the bucket!! thats prob. why!.....check the listing, if he didnt state it was deformed and ur un-satisfied w/ the bucket that may give u some slack to ask him for a re-fund..idk. thas my opinion...goodluck!
Is the neck line of the Mystery helmet like the one in the second picture? I would think it would be round.
Heres a link to a Don Post that is for sale on ebay.

It has the same droopy edge that mine does.
I think it's just a coincidence. I'm pretty sure that's a Mystery helmet, because 1, the arrows are crooked. 2, the "notch" in the left mandible. & 3 the dent detail is somewhat soft, like a Mystery bucket. Plus if it was a DP 95, would all be outa' whack.:lol:

Is the neck line of the Mystery helmet like the one in the second picture? I would think it would be round. It has the same droopy edge that mine does.
I would say it is definitely not a DP. I doubt that someone would go through all of the trouble to remove the ears to recast & not clean up some of the other details that need attention. Looks like a Mystery to me.
Thanks for all of the feedback guys. I decided to keep it. I was trying to see how flexible it was and ended up cracking the cheek, no big deal. Ill take some pics, do some fiberglass work, and post my progress in another thread.

Thanks again for the help.
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