My armor paint up progress

I just wanted to post a pic of my armor now that I have quite a bit of it painted. Sorry for no progress pics but my sister hogs the camera.:lol:

The armor is MLC v2 and is ready to paint right out of the box. It is excellent to work with. The shoulder studs come fixed with the exception of the one that holds the cape in place. I rather like that arrangement because I have to cut less holes. ROTJ color scheme using RS's paint colors. I will say that I have based the cod piece damage off of webcheif's because I cannot find a good shot of the cod damage with the dent anywhere. I guess it is a kind of awkward photo to be taking:lol:

Ok this is not related to my other armor but I needed to post a pic of my new ROTJ gauntlets from Ruffkintoy. These are just like mrgr8ness's except I had him paint mine as well as build them because I just don't have the time. These are great! The hoses didn't come with them I just put those on.:) They are hinged with velcro on one side and I must say it is a good thing I went with Ruffkintoy's because anything larger would dwarf my arms.

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