General ROTJ Boba Fett WIP 501st Approved

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Well I have put a few posts out there of a few things I have been working on towards completion of my ROTJ Boba Fett build. I figured I needed to just start a WIP thread to just keep everything in one place to make things easier.

I have slowly been in the construction phase for quite a while. I have been working on my Boba along with my wife's Boushh costume, which I just completed.

My goal in starting this was I wanted to make everything from the ground up & make it as accurate as possible within my means. I have done things somewhat different in the way of construction than what I have seen in the past as far as scratch builds go. Here is the run down of where I am at current.

Helmet & Range Finder: I started with a pepakura file (Skip) & did some modifcations using WOF & Raf's templates. I have layered the cardstock shell with architectural cardboard to make it rigid and have used smooth cast to tie it all together. I am still in the prep phase at this time. I purchased a real Borden connector to put on the right cheek. I am also working on a LED set up for the range finder. This is in the roughing in stage.

Jetpack: I started with a couple of different pepakura files (skip & Soba). I also used WOF templates with some mods here and there. Similar construction as stated above. I made the beacon & the stabilizer both from scratch. The beacon is a 3/4 inch copper tube that I did some black smithing on. The stabilizer was made from a pen, micrometer thimble, & some architectural cardboard. This is still in the roughing in stage.

Gauntlets: I did the gauntlets in pepakura as well (Skip). I used WOF templates to create a 3D model of the rocket & made a pep file from it. I made the MQ-1 keyboard from scratch using the buttons from 2 watch calculators. I made the darts from ink pens & paper clips. I made the hose fittings on the right gauntlet from air fittings that I soldered brake line fittings to. I did some grinding on them to make them look accurate. All painting & weathering was done by myself. I have a few finishing touches to do on them to be considered complete.

Armor: This is a mixed bag. I can't remember when but a number of years ago prior to really getting the word that you need to stay away from ebay. I bought some sintra armor there. Wasn't very good but I am working on it to make it work for me. I decided to use the chest, ab, & shoulders from this set & possibly the cod & back plate. I opted not to use the knees, collar, & back armor. The pieces that I reworked I used a heat gun to reshape them to fit me. In doing so I rounded the edges to help give depth and not make them look flat. Also used the heat gun to put in the dents & damage.

I made the knees from scratch. I drew them up in cad creating a 3D model using WOF templates as a base. Then made them up using pepakura with similar construction as above.

The collar & back armor were made using pepakura. I found a pep file (Prince) & re-modelled it to make it more accurate by adding the side sections. Also similar process as above. I did go thicker on these 2 items in making them 3/16 inch thick.

All the armor pieces are almost ready for paint except the cod & back plate.

EE-3 Blaster: I had a complete build thread on this which was all done as a scratch build. (Build thread)
Jumpsuit, flak vest, ankle spats, belt pounches, ammo belt, gloves & boots are all MOW. I need to dye & weather them at this point.

Wookie braids & cape are Woodman.

Girth belt: I have this & plan on dyeing it myself.
























wow! Everything looks great! I cant believe that you made that rocket on the left gauntlet look that good. the back armor is really well done as well! I love that blaster, it makes it soo much better knowing that you scratch built that!! good work, can't wait to see more progress!!
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Thanks for the kind words. I know that most of this stuff has been all done one way or another. I thought I would try some different techniques. Needless to say there has been some trial and error along the way.

I wanted to make the rocket light weight. I used a toilet paper roll holder for the main tube & worked the paper around that. When it was all set up I used Smooth Cast & brushed a layer on the outside to firm up the paper. When that set up I then mixed another batch & poured it inside & rotated it around till it set up. The Smooth Cast comes in different sure times, the version I have been using sets up in about 10 minutes. So the paper had plastic built up on the inside. This made it light weight & strong. I painted the gauntlets with rattle cans.

Because of my build I was worried about the back armor not fitting me so I figured I would make it from scratch.

I am hoping to start paint on the armor yet this week. I am doing final sanding, spot filling & priming.

Added the pep files for the back collar & back armor, knee armor, & gauntlet rocket. Files are in both letter & A4 formats.


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Worked on a number of things this weekend. Kinda bounced around but I tend to do that when I have to wait on things to dry.

Got the silver base on most of the armor, Chest, ab, knees, & Shoulders. Had to do some spot fills on the collar & back armor so had to spot prime a few spots. Plan on getting those painted tonight. Started reshaping the cod piece, with a heat gun, that I have in sintra, which was part of set that I had bought off of ebay years ago and am making it work now. I had to add 1.500 inches to each side to get the overlap with the back plate. I will have to do the same thing for the back plate as well. Both pieces, cod & back plate, were not made to overlay. I made an offset piece out of sintra for each side & used epoxy to glue it to the main piece. I have some filling to do but it shouldn't be too bad.

Also started work on the shin tools using reference photos & templates (WOF & Raf's). The Sonic Beam Tool, I made from the Patterson squeegee. Removed the rubber blades & took it apart. I then cut the length down. The piece that was removed that is spring loaded & holds the rubber blade was cut down as well. I then glued this into position. Removed the other springs and cleared out the movable side so that it could be glued into position. I opted to do this because with the tight fit and moving I thought it would rub all the paint off in that area. Also removed the 4th finger bump. I painted it silver misted with a metallic black. Then scuffed up all the outer edges to show wear. I masked off & painted the black & red stripes.

The Anti-Security blade started with the piece cut off of the Patterson squeegee. For the paddle piece I took 2 pieces of .100 inch thick plastic & epoxied them together. Once they were glued & dry I cut them to the shape required. Then glued this into the piece from the Patterson squeegee. Using 2 Exacto knife holders for the round pieces. I cut them down to length. Re-tapped the hole on the knurled end & used a 1/4" x 20 socket head cap screw to hold the knurled piece to the main body. Taking a sheet metal screw & ground the threads off. The hex shape was epoxied in the cavity at the end of the knurl to create a cap. Drilled 2 holes in the outer piece. I did have to fill in 2 grooves. Opting to then paint these I did some weathering per reference photos. I still have to wrap the electric tape. I am waiting to do this after I get a clear coat on it.

The Survival Knife I went with the Patterson chemical stirrer. I cut it down in length & rounded the ended. This is in the paint process.













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wow, great job. il be starting my build soon and will be looking to this thread for inspiration
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Thanks for the kind words.

I finished up 3 of the 4 shin tools and got the 4th shin tool made and in primer. The survival knife, went with the Patterson chemical stirrer, but with a paint scheme on the lines of visual reference. Got the tape wrapped on the Anti-Security Blade to complete that.

Also started masking for paint of the armor.





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Got my chest, ab plate, & shoulder armor painted, using Raf's templates. Still have to do the final weathering and some fine detail work.

Started on the knee darts. I used Raf's templates again as reference. I went for a light weight scratch build. I used .750" diameter tubing. Pressed 1/2" diameter PVC tubing inside. The actual diameter of this is .630". Then used 7/16" diameter wooden dowel pressed into the I.D. of the PVC tubing. I angled the mounting face & placed a 1/4" threaded stud in the darts to bolt up to the knee armor.



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The armor looks great, and the same goes for the knee darts too! Keep up the excellent work!

I would drop the 4th shin tool (which is not an original tool) and replace it with a 30mm diameter and 100mm long steel/aluminum tube; the wall thickness should be in the 3-5mm range.
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The armor looks great, and the same goes for the knee darts too! Keep up the excellent work!

I would drop the 4th shin tool (which is not an original tool) and replace it with a 30mm diameter and 100mm long steel/aluminum tube; the wall thickness should be in the 3-5mm range

Thanks Raf, your templates are great. I think I am going to go that route for the shin tool, I have been trying to find something that I can easily make up a tool similar to what you have found. I mainly did that one for the 501st approval cause they list it in the criteria.

I did finish the weathering on the shoulders & painted the Mando symbol on the left shoulder using Raf's template again. Used Frisket paper to make the patern to paint, cutting out the shapes with a Exacto knife. Put down the white first letting it dry, then put the Mando symbol on & did the Red-Orange. I wanted the painted look for this. The weather was some some misted orange & black, with a some dry brushing of black, & some light scuffing of sandpaper.

All the armor was painted with Rustoleum spray cans. These were the colors that I came up with after studying all the reference pictures. I know some of the colors are different than what have been used by others but I like how they looked.

Shoulder armor:

Striping Yellow
Straw Flower (instead of mustard)
Summer Squash
Metallic Silver

Mando Symbol:

Blossom White (with weathering)
Chevy Red-Orange

Chest & Ab Plate:

Hunt Club Green
Moss Green
Lemon Grass (instead of striping yellow)
Metallic Silver




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Love the shoulder emblem, it looks perfect! The right shoulder looks a bit over-weathered, especially those scratch lines, which should be a different color, somewhere between the base color and the main scratch color. Keep up the great work!
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Thanks Raf for the kind words of encouragement & the critique. I agree with you on the right shoulder, too much weathering. Wasn't entirely happy with my results & should have done it differently, but lesson learned. I did use a different shade of yellow on the scratches between the base & the final yellows & is more visible in better lighting.
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Got the chest & ab plates weathered. Painted the emblem onto the right chest plate, but need to do a little weathering on it.

Got the knees painted as well & they are ready for weathering.

I can't say enough good things about Raf's templates.

In between coats of paint I have been working on my helmet getting that ready to paint.







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Looks awesome! Great job on weathering the armor!!

What paints are you using for the helmet and jetpack?
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Thanks for the kind words.

I haven't decided on paints for the helmet & jetpack as of yet. I need to do some home work & decide on the colors based on the reference photos & what others have come up with. I have been using Rustoleum plan on staying with that brand. The local Menards has a great selection of Rustoleum spray cans. I know that the helmet & jetpack are both going to be a challenge to paint.
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Love the chest emblem and the knees! It seems that you are having fun doing the armor paint job. Can't wait to see you painting the helmet!
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Thanks Raf, I did some minimal weathering to the chest emblem, but in looking at the movie references there isn't much weathering on it. I actually like the way it is looking right now. The white looks a little bright in the photo due to the flash. I know some of the exhibit photos there is more weathering.

I am really enjoying the paint process cause I see real progress now. I have been gaining confidence with my abilities & learned something with each step and I am really looking forward to painting my helmet.
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Thanks Syper.

Got some stuff done this weekend. Worked on my knees getting them weathered & painted the darts. The small cone shaped one is just a mock up not the final one in any way. I need to do a little weathering on the darts.

Also got my neck armor painted & ready for weathering.

In between the painting I have been prepping my helmet for paint. I have got it filled & sanded. I also put a coat of smooth cast over the outside to give it a hard shell. The interior has also been coated with smooth cast. With this it is now a good strong shell. The read is from the spot filler & the white patches are from the smooth cast after setting up. I still have some filling to do & lots of finish sanding. The ear pieces, except for where the range finder pivots, are just taped on.












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I got my back armor painted using Raf's templates, now just need to do the weathering. Also finished up the darts on the right knee armor.







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