Greetings from Sydney Australia


New Hunter
Hi guys and girls

I'm Luci hailing from Sydney, australia not the best place in the world but it will do for now!

Lets see, i have been lurking around here for awhile up until recently when i finally got my own set of bes'kar (please excuse me mando'a is a little rusty) and my dream of doing my own set of armour is slowly coming about.

Little about myself i have been costuming for 5 years got into SW only a year or so ago i already have a TK and proud to say i have made my own Twi'lek which i use a on regular basis for various troops and the occasional birthday party, i'm also always to expand my costume collection, i already have my mando armour now to build it and wear it proudly my other dream costume is to get Clone especially the RC'S because i have an infatuation with Atin :wacko

Anyway no doubt you'll see my many HELP ME i'm stuck posts on various things !
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