Painting advice (too glossy)

I used a mid sheen burgundy on my jet pack, in hindsight it looks a bit too glossy for my liking.
Any painting experts out there recommend a way of taking the sheen off without having to repaint? Is there any product that I could coat it with to remove the sheen, need to make it look matt.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I don't know if you can get it across the pond, but testors brand Dullcoat really knocks the shine down on any paint in my experience.
Whatever you do end up trying for a dull spray, if at all possible, I would spray some of the burgundy color you used on the JP onto a scrap piece of something an let it dry. Then hit it with your dull spray just to make shure it doesn't eat thorugh the paint. . I've never had a problem with testors dull coat eating through anything, but if you use a different brand of dull or matte spray, there is always the potential that it could eat through your paint job and ruin your work. Don't wanna see you have to re-paint your jet pack. ;)
i'll echo the dullcote comments. i was always skeptical of that vs. matte clear. but the dullcote hasn't damaged the paint i put it on, no matter the brand, or how long it's cured.

the finish is also very nice and even.

this is my armor before dullcote:


and this is after:

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