Commander Gree


Howdo ladies and gents in the know???

I am currently researching the colour schemes for a Commander Gree costume but being in the UK, the colour schemes are hard to match to paint on sale here. Does anyone here US or UK based know what the best colours are to match the kit?

Help me're my only hope.......:facepalm:facepalm:confused:confused
There is a member of the Galactic Knights who has recently completed his Gree costume, he would be able to help you out I'm sure, his username on their boards is Laketrooper, alternatively you could find him here

Here is a pic of him in action at Invasion Belfast earlier this month.

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TD-1536 has the best looking gree i've seen so do a search for his gree thread and drop him an email i did and asked about getting some good radio pack pics and he was very helpful and sent me some of his pack.
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