My Progress with pictures

Well I thought I might as well post my progress pics on my mando

The helmet is a mystery helmet that I got off of Younginfett. We had to cut the cheeks out and replace with sintra. Bondo was used to fill in the seams.




I also did an armor placement on my flight suit. The armor is molded in black. It has been sanded & cut. Another friend is making my flak vest.


I will post more pictures as more progress gets done.

The flightsuit, armor, etc. all look fantastic. Truly. I really like that color scheme too.

The helmet though; I'm going to be honest. It isn't looking very good at the time being. The shillohette is very sqaushed looking, and that seam on the top looks like it played with the earpieces a little, which is not good and will be very hard to fix. Perhaps you should look into buying a new one.
I'd say give it a little time and see how it turns out. Creases and such can always be whisked away with some bondo. May be tough, but not impossible at all.
the bucket is a severe work in progress. like citizenjohn said he does have a large noggin and for him to not stickto the inside we actually tore that helmapart and put it back together. relax guys ive got 8 years of making, molding, cutting armor. itll look good once we get it sanded and painted. that was a fun couple hours in el shope o' doom cutting his armor. note: wear hat....
unfortunately ill be busy for the next month so whatever he does is on his own until im freed.
and we havent put on the earpieces yet. thems came seperate we talked about changing em a tad.
just gimme a dremel some epoxy,rivets and bondo and ill give you a one way ticket to mad-scientism (sp i ish dumbs)

-el fuzz
Well I thought I might as well post my progress pics on my mando

I also did an armor placement on my flight suit. The armor is molded in black. It has been sanded & cut. Another friend is making my flak vest.


I will post more pictures as more progress gets done.


Hey John, nice start. I do have a comment/criticism- the torso armor looks to be really out of proportion with the jumpsuit. Either the armor is too small, or the jumpsuit is too big... or maybe both. Have you done any test fittings?

Hey John, nice start. I do have a comment/criticism- the torso armor looks to be really out of proportion with the jumpsuit. Either the armor is too small, or the jumpsuit is too big... or maybe both. Have you done any test fittings?


Well remember that the flight suit in the pic is completly flat
Well remember that the flight suit in the pic is completly flat

Thats right. Laid out flat, clothing is always gonna be wider then it is when you wear it =D Your going from a 3d waist when worn to a 2d flat look, and those sides gotta go somewhere visually so it looks like it's wider then it is.
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