Transformers fans read.. ''NON'' spoilers.


Well-Known Hunter
Hey guys I would like to share something with all of you guys, NON spoilers so don't worry. OK this past Sunday June 1st I made a small trip to visit my friend at his new home in Bethlehem P.A for some good times and BBQ. We are both die hard SW and Sci-Fi fans and I am pleased to inform you guys that we seen a couple of Helicopters flying around very close in the area not to mentioned there were a few road blocks, vehicles and other things going on as well.
''What do ya know'' they indeed began filming Transformers 2 just a few minutes away from his home. Where he lives there are several construction projects sites going on like a new Casino and a Mall not to mention the towns gigantic old steel mill factory. As of us witnessing actual movie vehicles '' I can't say I did''. We know for sure this is where filming has been taking place throughout this week. Cool huh...:)
It's recently been confirmed that the title to TF2 is...

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Color me pumped.
It's recently been confirmed that the title to TF2 is...

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Color me pumped.

Wow, I was all ready to debunk the title until I read that Hasbro said it was confirmed. Now, I heard Bay was going to release false info, but if Hasbro confirms it, then I think it would be pretty bab for them to turn around later saying something to the effect of, "Ha ha... fooled you!"

I have seen a few pics of IronHide on a flatbed truck being hauled to a set, so....
I just want to see Soundwave! Frenzy was a boom box, yes... but not Soundwave! :) I want the melodic voice, the mini-cons... everything!

And of course, if they could fit in the Constructicons/Devistator, Dinobots, and maybe even JetFire/SkyFire.. I'd be happy! :)
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Oh man, I could tell ya soooooo many spoilers right now, a lot will make ya happy.

As far as Soundwave goes, they already confirmed him months upon months ago.
Who wants to bet we see Galvatron?

If they do...a kitten somewhere will die.

I'm betting it has something to do with the Allspark being united with Megs. Yeah it burns him out...but you know the thing does create life. If I were gonna do a sequel about it, thats the plot I'd work with.
Man I can't wait to see soundwave. I hope they make him look at least a little bit the way he used to...minus the tape deck of course. I'd really like to see ravage & laser beak too!!! Oh yeah, has anybody heard if scorponok will still be around??? He's my fav!! :)
Alright, the title confirmed my guesses.

The Fallen, in standard TF lore, is a herald of Unicron.
Megs is gonna be coming back, no question, he's the "big bad". However, he's completely, totally dead. Just like the original Megatron.
Unicron turned the original Megatron into Galvatron after Megs died.
We're gonna see the following for sure:

The Fallen (He'd better be on fire, too, or someone else might be on fire)
Jazz. Yes, Jazz. Who Michael Bay told us was dead and wasn't coming back. Whose alt-mode was spotted, not only on set, but being filmed in Bethlehem, PA. Remember what Michael Bay said? That he'd release FALSE INFORMATION to fool people?

Arcee and Wreckage are also both persistent rumors, and the fact that they both already have full 3D models supports this (the models were made for TF1 and were not used). Jetfire's been tossed around a bit, and would provide the Autobots with the one thing they lacked in the first movie: Air support. Megatron, Starscream, and Blackout could all fly, while the Autobots didn't have a single flying member.

Now, for my personal wishes?
Autobot: Landmine. The figure was totally awesome, and I ended up buying a good dozen of them. It's a design that would take very little work to translate to a movie model, they already have the alt-mode of the vehicle, and Hasbro wouldn't have to make another toy.
Decepticon: A new helicopter. An Apache, maybe. Just something that has the blades that Blackout had. My personal reason for nominating the Apache? It's recognizable, fast, hits hard, has enough mass to be a viable Transformer, and yet is small enough that it would present a decent match for, say, Jazz, without overpowering anyone. Because honestly, the smaller of the Autobots got their butts handed to them when fighting pretty much anyone bigger than them. While it stands to reason that that'll happen, with Jazz returning and the staying of Bumblebee, it could easily cause a problem.

As for who is unconfirmed from the first movie: Scorponok, Frenzy (he survived decapitation once, why not again?), Steering wheel facehugger (possibly the full SUV, actually), and the Mountain Dew bot (has a fairly strong fan following, I predict that we'll see him/it at least for a moment, especially considering that Hasbro made a toy of it).
Wow, I never watched any of the cartoons so you all go and see it for the different transformers, but I'm gonna be the first one in line to see Megan Fox

cant wait the first one was great and the second one should be good too
Wow ..guys thanks for the response I can see how enthusiastic everyone is about this movie. I myself am excited to go see it. Well spoke to my friend and he did say something about last week seeing certain exotic vehicles in the area. My friend also told me that filming around the area has been wrapped up. All I know is that the big steel mill factory has something to do with this film.
June 26th, 2009.

If you really want spoilers, go to We have all sorts of fun info on the movie.

As for fallen, it is meant to be refering to a fallen bot from the first movie. Not Unicrons Fallen. More than likely Megatron is who they are refering to. According to the first leaked script, and most new info, Megatron will not turn into Galvatron. This is where Soundwave is coming into play. But I won't post more on that comment to prevent spoilers.

Most the info on Jazz is refering to a Flashback, compared to him returning. Wheeljack has been rumored, Jetfire maybe.

The bots created by the allspark aren't really due to return, they were meant to be assumed dead. And according to the book, Barricade died as well. But because they didn't show it in the movie, he has potential to return.
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