Whether to weather


Active Hunter
Simple question.. are you applying weathering to your armor before or after removing the masking for the silver and yellow areas? Most guys seem to have well preserved yellow and silver "chips" in their paint (as if it was new damage on previously dirty and worn armor), while a few others seem to have applied weathering as the final step, albeit not too heavily on the yellow and silver.

So, do you like clean and shiny dents, or not?
Silver is layered underneath and masking tape is placed on the weathered spots I believe the yellow around the silver is painted on top of the boba green
Yeah, what I'm asking is basically whether people remove the fluid before weathering (so the silver and yellow gets weathered too), or if they keep the masking fluid on to protect the yellow and silver from the weathering.
The way things in star wars weather (blaster bolts) it that they create a bright, clean silver surrounded by black burn marks. So, if you have a blaster mark or dent that's the way to go. However, if it's been there for awhile you may want some topical weathering on the silver as well.

Assuming you're making a Fett: none of it should really be clean and free of weathering. Check out the armor plates in the AOSW exhibit photos and you can decide for yourself.
my understanding is you do your silver. mask off with fluid. do yellow. rub off mask. apply new mask over previous silver and new areas to remain yellow. paint various greens. rub of final mask exposing silver, yellow and glorious greens. then age the **** out of it.
my understanding is you do your silver. mask off with fluid. do yellow. rub off mask. apply new mask over previous silver and new areas to remain yellow. paint various greens. rub of final mask exposing silver, yellow and glorious greens. then age the **** out of it.

That's how I did mine, but the screen accurate technique is to paint silver, mask off silver damage areas and spray green, remove mask and apply yellow topically. That's how the screen armor was done.
Simple answer: I remove the masking fluid then weather. I like realism.
cod weathered.jpg
The last answer seemed to get the question he is asking do most people dirty up the finished layered paintjob by applying some type of paint/dirt over all of the paint or do they leave the yellow and silver completely clean.

I did some of both, I left some silver/yellow bright to look fairly recent and went over the rest.
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