Paint colors/brands?


Active Hunter
I'm having a hell of a time finding some Rustoleum colors. Been to 2 Home Depots and 1 Lowes (had the most). Lowe's also carries Valspar, (Made by Rustoleum). Anyone used these? Think these will be okay together? I plan to do some spray tests first.


In other news, my MoW ROTJ gauntlest came in. AWESOME.

What are you still looking for? Walmart also sells rusto paints...I normally can get what I need at home depot and walmart together
There was no Claret Wine. No Hunt Club Green (?), no Sun Yellow. Those are the correct colors, right? \

Good idea bout WalMart. Hadn't thought of that. Thx.
dude theyre both there every time I go there in american accents not regular rustoleum theyre the double coat stuff they sell its a more pricey can but it works well...
Don't know what to tell you. I ran around all day yesterday looking for them. Two different Home Depots. One Lowe's, and one Walmart. No one carried it. The people working there had to look it up in the computer to even find out what American Accents is. Maybe it's a regional thing. Anyway, I ordered 3 cans of each on Amazon. Think that will be enough for a whole set of armor and one or two buckets?
yeh you dont use much of the claret whine...and two cans would be enough three will for sure be enough for you...that sucks they dont have it though
$7 a can online doesn't seem that bad. I pay $6 a can retail at AC Moore.

Home Depot and Lowes in my area have both stopped selling most of the Rustoleum lines in favor of (TERRIBLE!) Krylon. AC Moore still carries the colors I want though, so I tend to stock up. The last time I went I got 2 cans of every color I use, just to have.

The paint I use for Pre Vizsla is also no longer available retail locally. I had to pay $55 to get a can of it, but it was worth it. The vendor that I found it from only sold by the case, so I had to buy a full case and ship it across country to paint a helmet. Sad, but now I have plenty for repaints :)
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