Free Comic Book Day

Jango 5204

Active Hunter
I attended a small gathering with the Central California Garrison in Modesto, Ca at Bonanza Books & Comics. I wore my ROTS Vader. We didn't have a Vader and my Jango is in pieces due to upgrades. Boba is Darren (DWDesigns).





Thats a fine Lord Vader siut you got yourself there :thumbsup:
Free comic book day must be a international thing, no one in costume at the local comic shop today unfortunately.
I suited up for free comic book day as well. I even convinced my wife to wear her Padme costume.:) We raised about 600 bucks and change for a local childrens hospital. :thumbsup:
Yes, Ian does a great job as Threepio
He built the costume himself from parts he purchased and modified.
I think he's in about 7 grand or so on that one.
it's very hot and constricting
takes forever to put on & he can only do an hour or so at a time.
Everyone loves it.
When he first came out from the changing area, all of us were drawn toward him in awe.
it was like we were the aliens from "Toy Story"
AWESOME C-3p0 suit...
A few wires missing in the torso section, but I can't believe that anyone can actually make something that freakin' cool!
Star Wars Comic Book Day at Metro Comics

(Since there is a post about comic book day, and I'm only posting a few pictures, I decided not to make a new post and do it here, plus the pictures are of Boba)

So here are a few pictures of Maulfett's Boba Fett costume in action at Metro Comics for the Star Wars Comic Book Day. (note: the guy inside Boba Fett Costume is not Maulfett)






P9120363.jpg Fett at Metro Comics/image011.jpg
the visibility in a boushh helmet has got to be worse than a tk. and tk's have just awful vision. big 'ol snout restricting your downward peripheral, there's probably a lot of kicking small children over on accident.

but the ugg's sure are cute.
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