What music are you listening to right now?

vadr h8r

I seen this thread on a Battlestar forum and was wondering what are YOUR current favs? You can tell alot about a person by simply their taste in music... My current favs are Escape the Fate,8) Flyleaf,:eek: and James Blunt.:eek: Whats yours?
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Little Bear - Grandmother's House. LOL My 3-yr-old is watching one of her movies and I can hear the music from here. Actually, I don't tend to listen to music when I sit at the 'puter. When I do listen to music it's normally classical or jazz.
I might need to clarify my question...lol not what your listening to this very second but your favorite music in the last 3 months that you find yourself listening to alot. thanks Commander Voltaire for that Jango link that is really cool!!! I just signed up for it! Free and you dont have to give out your life history just to join!! thanks again!!
i've got my "motivational" playlist going right now:

anthrax - cadillac rock box
arch enemy - carry the cross
dethklok - briefcase full of guts
godsmack - serenity
henry rollins - get some go again
joey ramone - what a wonderful world
marilyn manson - use your fist and not your mouth
megadeth - of mice and men
pantera - rise
shadows fall - what drives the weak
dust brothers - this is your life

the motivational title is somewhat sarcastic... the songs all have elements that cross my mind in an average day. some positive, some negative.
My music taste is very broad... haha... I'll listen to almost anything. Some of my favorite bands/artists are

Lamb of God
Killswitch Engage
Dimmu Borgir
Hans Zimmer
John Williams
Howard Shore
In Flames
I like that Flobots song - No Handlebars haha
any World Music really... I love listening to music of other cultures
medieval music is awesome
Billy Joel
Video Game music

Ok honestly I could go on forever... haha, lets just say I like a lot of things :p

Um... well I don't know if I can call it a favorite at this point, but I have been listening to the new Disturbed album all week; "Indestructable." It's not bad.
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