About your gauntlets

Zeever Fett

Active Hunter
Hey guys, I am just wondering, since I have seen a lot of different Fett gauntlets. I am wondering if anyone has or knows where to "find" some authentic fiberglass gauntlets that are authentic or accurate to the movie in detail and scale?

I believe Fettpride made the best ones out there, but theyre no longer available.
I have a Rufkintoy (chuck) set, like alot of other people do, and those are phenomanal...
Yeah, I have a set of Ruffkins, I like them in all, but the styrene/ABS I cant stand it. Its just not thick enough, or sturdy. They look GREAT after words though, but just the stababilty scares me.
Just do a layer of fibreglass on the inside, or you can just ask Chuck, he offers to do it for you most of the time!
I am not just talking about fiberglassing the inside to better reinforce it, see with ABS or vacuumforming, if is not done right (depends on the positive mold) the detail will not come out as sharp as if would if you put fiberglass into a negative mold. That is why I like Fiberglassing so much...

But that is just me :) ABS is cool, but it has it's drawbacks!
Chuck will glass your gauntlets if you ask maybe. He did for me and there great, I glassed the tops and not the bottom so there easier to get off.
I have a set of ruffkintoy gauntlets and I love them. I've dropped mine on the floor with the heavy resin peices added and mine are still intact. Chuck is a great guy and a pleasure to buy from.I would reccomend purchasing from him.
I figure my experience would of been better, but I got them just few days from C3, so I was waiting on him to ship them....so I didnt get to finish them in time. They could of been packed a bit better as well, there was big slit in my keypad, and a a few chips of the resin peices in the bag...
Zeever Fett said:
I am not just talking about fiberglassing the inside to better reinforce it, see with ABS or vacuumforming, if is not done right (depends on the positive mold) the detail will not come out as sharp as if would if you put fiberglass into a negative mold.

You are right-on about vac formed pieces not being as sharp as fiberglass pieces. However if you are looking for accuracy, vaccing is the way to go for Fett's components. Just about all the armor, including the gauntlets, appear to be vacced plastic. Though, the left gauntlet could possibly be an exception.
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