my first halloween troop(pic intence)

silver n black

Active Hunter
hi everybody . haven't post here since i post about my helmet 2 year's ago.
i now have half of my costum ,and yesterday was my first troop. critics welcome, and i mean brutal onesty



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Only thing I would say is you might need a bit more dirt and grime in the dent on the head (it would leave burn marks) and on the gaunts as they would be right in the thick of any action. Apart from that, you've got it pretty special :)
I LIKE IT!!! I think it looks great! I would listen to SAZ tho... he's quite knowledgeable on such things. Kandosii! Looks great to me. I especially like your markings, blue's my fav color and it's the detail color I'm using on my armor.
i totally agree, believe it or not this was a last min thing ,so i was in a bit of hurry i actually didnt like my back armor so that's going to change, and the shest piece im going to change the size or look of design, and as u can see didnt have time to do my leg armour.
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