Tie Dye Armor Paint Scheme...?


New Hunter
Okay, seeing as i got some positive feedback on doing a tie dye paint scheme for the armor, i'm planning on doing it. only problem is, i dont know how to paint tie dye or tie dye in general :facepalm...it was just a random thought i had, but now i wanna do it. If u have any tips, it will be greatly appreciated :lol:, and i will definetly post pics if i figure out how to do it. Thanks ner vode!!!
from my understanding of tie dye im not sure if its possible to tie dye solid armor. From the one time i ever tie dyed anything, this was how i was taught, we pinched the fabric and then put an elastic band around it. you would end up doing that numerous times and than dipping the pinched areas in different colours... if you get my point, it could be a little difficult to pinch and wrap solid armor in elastics lol
you have a piece of paper (in your case armor) on a rotating table, and while its spinning you squirt/spray paint at it preferably in neon colors.
Hey, I once worked on a set that came out looking tie dyed, well that was the comments I got. I never saw this through, but it may give you some inspiration. The effect was created by using a fine scotch pad to rub down the yellow.



An Idea:
What you could do is simply start with a set of armor thats base painted to a colro of your licking, like white or silver, probably good choices. Then you can do tie dyeing on regular cloth or purchase pre-tie dyed cloth or shirts, etc. The trick is to get the TD pattern and colors onto the armor right?

Brush the armor with clear casting resin or spray fixative (usually found at craft stores like Michaels).
Pull or place the cloth over the armor peices, smoothing it out to the armor. around the back of the armor pull the cloth around and hotglue the cloth to the back.

Now to get fancier, and for other painting purposes (weathering a tye dye!), get thick laminating resin/epoxy (also found at craft stores). It will stick and fill the gaps in the cloth and level to a smooth surface that is crystal clear, then you will have a harder/smoother/durable surface to work with.

For the craggy peices like the helmet and the guantlets, you should probably just go with a fixative so you can life the cloth and place it down and make cuts/folds to it as needed in order to accomodate all the undercuts and details.

Another method:
Using a computer or overhead projector, project an image of tie dye onto the wall, hang up your armor and mark the patterns and colors with matching color sharpies and simply paint on the colors and patterns afterward. Just be careful tnot to mark or paint your wall.
My only suggestion is air brushing. And I'm just about possitive that it is impossible to dye armour considering that it needs to be soaked up.
Thanks everyone!!! these are all great sounding ideas, and i will try the ones im able to try. Thing is, cant find the camera anywhere, mom prbly has it (remeber im 16!). Thanks Bobby Fett for the pics, and Nachtinis for the methods! i will also look into spin arting it BAMFett, but i dont know how im gona find spinning tble for it...maybe i could attch it to a car tire and raise the back with jacks, then hit the gas :D prbly not smart though. Thanks again ner vode! i will give u all do credit when im finished!
if you have any sort of access to a pottery wheel, or even something as simple as a lazy suzan that could work. i can relate to the age/mother issues. Good luck
I think we have a lazy susan...that will work fine? i've made templates for the body armor, but i wont work on it yet, seeing as the Halo: Reach Beta just started :D. if u wana play with me, PM me.
uhhh...its not gonna be like tht, and im doin it more spin art style i think. plus, i dnt wtch that show. it doesnt look good. plz explain how this fits in.
Boba Fett is not shown as a ruthless bounty hunter in the show............he is kind of hesitant and wishy washy.......and then he gets arrested by the Jedi

But he does wear a portion of Jangos armor. He has the girth belt and holsters with the flight suit and knees.
The Clone Wars show portrays Mandalorians as a centuries-old pacifistic society which contradicts all previous Expanded Universe continuity. I was just trying to throw in a little joke and made the assumption that people here on a SW fansite would have seen the show. Sorry for the thread derailment.
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