ANOTHER question about the flak vest.


Does the cheerleader patern need to be modified in any way/shape/form? Also, I am looking for the patern: "Simplicity 9806" are there any other paterns that will work for this project?
You can take a knit sweat top or knit mock turtleneck (Target has them) in your size, and fits well on your jumpsuit, and cut the sleeves off from the armpit to about 3-4 inches off the shoulder. Then take to one of the tailors (there is a Chinese lady I took mine to, she was great) and describe how you want detail added, like the vertical stitching that goes down the flap sleeve and the double hem.

If your mom or girlfriend sews, it is cheaper. I paid around $125 for a Jango vest made without a pattern. Or you could just go with the trimmed knit shirts. Since your suit is custom, scrutiny most likely will be less.

Good luck my man!
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I would suggest getting one from Chris (tk-409)
The price is good.
Anybody have one & can offer an INFORMED opinion?
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Here is a close-up shot of my vest at the armpit and knees. I have 2 vests like this. I can also get one made in all depends on your budget, and how much criticism you wish to bear, INFORMED or not. TK-409s vest design is great, I am not sure he has them in black though. You need it in black...right? Good luck Christov.


slave1pilot wrote:

I would suggest getting one from Chris (tk-409)
The price is good.
Anybody have one & can offer an INFORMED opinion?
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Afettfullofdollars all the way. His vests are great! I've had a TK-409 vest and while it was well done, it wasn't as sturdily built as this new one.
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I did mine from the simplicity Cheerleader pattern. Within that pack there are about 5 patterns to choose from. I choose the round collar and no sleeves version. I then had to fake the sleeves based on reference photos. I'm a complete N00b with a sewing machine and i think it turned out really good. I also went loosely from Lisa Fetts tutorial.

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Thanks for all the leads folks. I've spoken with TK409 as well as afettfullofdollars. Their work looks fantastic. I've got a friend who's a tailor and has offered to do the work for free providing i can get her a definitive patern for the project. I can't turn this offer down.

I'll grab the simplicity patern (assuming I can find it at any 'ole fabric shop) and I'll couple it with some reference photos and that ought too do the trick.

While we're at it though... anyone got a good neckseal patern?
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ok. another question... there appears to be some sort of padding inside the vest and neckseal.... what is it?
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tailor's padding. It is at Wal Mart by the fabric. If the vest is single-ply without the is inaccurate. Good luck Christov. If you need a custom made in black, let me know...I like mine.

BelaLugosi wrote:

ok. another question... there appears to be some sort of padding inside the vest and neckseal.... what is it?
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We used the patteren, and just moddified the sleves, looks great, but she made the sleaves to long and we just folded it under a bit, there extremly sturdy and looks great. Now just to find a undershirt to go under the vest......I can seem to find a good one, or one in general.
heheh I kinda guessed that would be the reply. Oh well. Ill find something that is more affordable that looks similar. :) Thx anyhow
i bought imitation satin, "acetate" i think its called with the duller side out, shiny side in, i sent the material to tk-409 Inc and it came out awesome. i bought the matrial at wal-mart for 2 something a yard
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